The End of the Outcasts

On 2/12/1249, Percerian Rhorellian made a deal with Halis Reincarnate to wage war on Uslos.   The Outcasts knew that they needed to put an end to the war as soon as possible, as they played a role in its conception. Alistair Kenshin had tired of the ways of the Empire, and sought to find his own destiny elsewhere.     He gave his sword to Emile Bordeaux in hopes that she would one day learn to fight as he taught her. He bid farewell to his partners, with whom he had fought to the very edge of death, before boarding a ship (Doubt's Drift)  far away from Merriby Main and the war he had wanted with all his power to prevent.      
      It was on that 3/15/1249 that the Outcasts were disbanded.   Lucyan Blackfyre and Wornal Freerunner saw hope for the Empire. If Halis was defeated, the war could come to an end. Lucyan had been trying to convince Percerian of this for 2 months when he was one day granted an audience with Elniana Rhorellian . He and the former Empress had grown close in recent months as Elniana knew of Percerian's stubborn nature. He was eager to establish his legacy as emperor, but was also being manipulated by the ever seductive Halis. This made for a dangerous combination, and the war was growing bloodier by the day.   Lucyan's research in the deep archives of the The Glass Atheneum led to some interesting discoveries about Halis' weakness. He had already discovered that Halis was somehow weakened in the slaying of the The Atropal. However, a deeper look into Halian reports found that there were two remaining pieces of Halis that needed to be destroyed in order for him to be truly mortal. Lucyan brought this information to Wornal. They knew what had to be done. The Outcasts were no more. But in its place was a new organization: The Arbiters.
  Alistair chooses the Path of Self   Mianmi and Alistair Kenshin in the Rhorellian Citadel