Raiding the Vault of the Bronze Covenant



The party takes the opportunity presented by the wave to raid the vault of the Bronze Covenant. They sneak within, finding strange artifacts and secrets on the way. They battle a strange Beholder, who seems to be the secret figurehead of the Bronze Covenant.

Inside the vault, the group investigates a lab. They discover writings about Starmetal and transmutation. 
Later, the party finds a prison level. There, they encounter and free a Deva. The angelic being says that he will not forget their good deed. They also free Celgyra Mybys Xahana, an unjustly imprissoned Triton, and Gust Lunadrin, an air Genasi pirate.   They discover a man named Adalvine. He claims to be the reason for all of the destruction and that the horror from Balasar's visions is allied with him.

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