Tzynnia Imperial Arena

The Tzynnia Imperial Arena is an arena designed for gladiatorial combat, located on the Tzynn homeworld of Tzynnia. It currently has a capacity of 500,000 seats. The arena was originally known as the Bloodscale Arena when it was constructed in 1662 CE by a local warlord, but has been called the Imperial Arena since its second reconstruction in 2199 CE. The arena is primarily used for carrying out the executions of criminals sentenced to death, but has been used for less violent purposes on occasion. The Imperial Arena is the largest single arena within Tzynn space, and one of the largest stadiums in the galaxy by capacity.

The construction of the Bloodscale Arena began in 1652 CE, and was completed in 1662 CE. Built by a particularly vicious and powerful warlord, it was used for executions of criminals or his captured enemies, as well as public games. When the warlord died and his heir took over, the tradition continued. The region was one of the first to be conquered by Hask'Mezak during his planetary unification, and became host to his future capital. Although Hask'Mezak did not particularly favour the arena, he permitted the tradition to continue. The arena fell into disuse and disrepair over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries CE, effectively becoming a museum. As one of her first official acts, the first Tzynn Empress, Torba'Kari, oversaw the reconstruction of the arena to modern standards in 1980 CE. It was at this time that the Bloodscale Arena was renamed the Tzynnia Imperial Arena. Televised gladiatorial matches were broadcasted across Tzynnia starting in 1984 CE. The arena was closed for major renovations in 2194 CE, where over the course of five years it was rebuilt from the ground-up with antigravity technology. This is the current iteration of the arena, which has since received several renovations.

Today, public executions are held once per month. Criminals sentenced to death are forced into the arena, fighting either slaves, trained gladiators, or beasts imported from across the Tzynn Empire. Private individuals can apply for permits to operate vending stands in the arena, selling food and drink outside, or wandering the stands during events. Spectators can also purchase commemorative holo-recordings of arena events, and certain events chosen by the Emperor are made free to view across Tzynn networks. These free to view events are typically of executions of prominent slave leaders, political opponents or foreign agents.

Non-execution events are also held in the arena on occasion. Historically, mock battles were held in the Bloodscale Arena, as well as hunting events and duels. Upon the arena's reconstruction in 1980 CE, the mock battles and hunting events were not continued, but duels were. Duels between free individuals are typically to surrender, but duels between slaves or beasts are to the death.
Founding Date
1662 CE (initial)
1980 CE (first reconstruction)
2199 CE (second reconstruction)
Alternative Names
Bloodscale Arena
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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