Millennium Station

Millennium Station is a circular station nearly 12 kilometers across. It is the largest and most populated station in known space. The station is home to eight million beings, and includes wards for every known type of breathable atmosphere. The wards are broken up into plazas ringed with shops and living spaces. The plazas them selves can be gardens or open markets.


Most of the station is designed as a series of plazas consisting of an open central area surrounded by shops, and businesses. Many plazas have a high ceiling with apartments that look down upon the plaza. Corridors with homes and apartments interlink the plazas. Secondary to plazas are the cargo and machine bays, which handle the freight and manufacturing on the Station. Maintenance facilities, corridors, and other areas off-limits excepts for station personnel make up the rest.   Though it was not designed to be so, the Station tends to be segregated based on wealth, with the less well-off inhabitants being relegated to the bottom/inner sections of the Station while those with higher social standing reside at the top/outside. The appearance and quality of the plazas for each section also improve as one travels from the inside out and from the bottom to the top.  


Millennium Station contains livable sections for every known species. Known as "Quarters," these sections are divided by airlocks to contain each environment and prevent contamination.


Millennium is believed to be the most diverse station in existence. The only known species that are not living on the Station are Shou'tou.


The Station is governed by a council or elected officials which govern how the stations is run along with the logistics and duties of maintaining the station. Representatives are elected from each ward to work with the council.


They have their own police force as well as a small military patrolling the space outside the station.


It is a self-contained station with power generation, water and air recycling, and food production. While not completely self-sufficient, it can maintain a comfortable living environment for months without external assistance.

Station Laws

  • No weapons without prior authorization from Station Security.
  • No dangerous animals or machinery are allowed in public areas.
  • It is illegal to harm another, either physically, psychically, of financially.
  • Plants or animals with known toxic effects are to be quarantined.
  • Follow the instructions of Station Security and Station Logistical Personnel.
  • Entrance into prohibited areas without prior authorization is illegal.

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