Skarai (Skar-Aye)

The Skarai originate from Demthis, a Class 8 world and the first planet of the Morava System. They are known for the deep colorful shades of their skin and horns that sprout from their heads.   Due to their color, horns, and resistance to heat, they have been called demons due to their resembling demons in the ancient folklore of several species. It is more commonly used in a derogatory sense by those that would see them as second class citizens.

Basic Information


Skarai are a bipedal species consisting of two legs, two arms, and a head connected to a central torso. They have both hair and a set of horns on top of their heads. Their hands contain four fingers and opposable thumbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Skarai have two sexes, a male and female. The female carries the developing offspring. After a 10 month gestation, the child/children are born and primary care and raising falls to the father.

Ecology and Habitats

Skarai evolved on the Class 8 world of Demthis, a harsh and inhospitable world. They learned to adapt to the sulfurous and caustic atmosphere and thrive in it. Despite that, breathing the atmosphere will eventually damage their lungs. Skarai in standard atmospheres find it much easier and comfortable to breathe. They tend to have a longer lifespan off-world than the ones that chose to remain on the home world.   They are highly resistant to heat and flames due to the heat and pressure of their home world. They are resistant to the point where early in their expansion into the known galaxy, they would coat their skin in flammable accelerant and light it on fire to entertain others for money.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Skarai have no special dietary needs except for those that reside off-world of their home world, Demthis. They are required to take a supplement of various trace minerals and sulfur that they would normally absorb through the lungs.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Skarai have the standard 5 senses that are common throughout the races of the known Galaxy. Their vision it slightly expanded to include infrared as well.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Skarai names are based off their language which tends toward the guttural and harsh. It's vowel heavy with Xs, Vs, and Zs.   Conversely, modern Skarai born off-world will sometimes adopt a virtue name meant to embody a wish, goal or other life path they strife to embody or achieve. Virtue names aren't necessarily good in nature, a virtue name could be Possession, for example, or Fear, just as much as they could choose Reverence, or Loyal.


Detailed records of the Skarai people are mostly missing due to the volcanic and tectonically active home world of Demthis. Vaults containing histories and records that were thought to be secure and safe have been swallowed and consumed never to be seen again.   Even without a historical record, they retain a rich cultural heritage preserved in vault-like satellites orbiting the home world. They learned from previous lessons. Anything that needs to be preserved and protected should be removed from the surface. Even great cities eventually fall to the earthquakes, caustic environment, and magma.    The one important thing that they have learned from all this is that nothing is permanent. Everything will meet its end one day. One the surface this seems fatalistic, it is instead a reminder to enjoy life because there will come a time when you will not be able to so. A toast often heard around groups of Skarai at a bar says, "If we drink, we will die. If we don't drink, we will die. So let us drink!"
90 - 150 years off world, 60 - 100 years on their home world.
Average Height
1.6 - 2.1 meters
Average Weight
55 - 90 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skari skin colors range in the darker colors, leaning toward red hues. Blues and purples are possible with lighter colors becoming quite rare.    Their horns are very distinctive and grow in many shapes and styles. Horns shapes are a hereditary trait and passed down generations. Making a distinctive evidence of a family line.


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