The Imperium

The Imperium is a total monarchy. All power comes from the throne of His Royal Majesty, Royal Commander of the Imperial Armies, King Alfonse Djergen III. The King oversees all appointments to positions of power in the government and military. Those positions are always to Noble houses and are solely based on family and political power. Not on the aptitude of the person appointed. That being said, the Noble houses of the Imperium give their children the best education money can buy. So don’t expect an incompetent person when you deal with them. The Noble houses of the Imperium effectively control the economy of the kingdom. They own all production, distribution, and 90% of trade. Leaving commoners essentially stuck as wage earners. There are very few business owners who are commoners. That is not to say they are destitute. There is just little means for upward mobility. Imperium ships use the same design styles as Imperium buildings. In fact they almost look the same. Imperium ships look like palaces in space. The more impressive the space palace, the higher up in the hierarchy the commander is. This also works in the opposite manner. The more drab and boring, the less status they hold.   Imperium citizens tend to value status and position above all. Not necessarily wealth, but wealth usually comes with position and status. It is not uncommon to see an Imperium citizen (especially nobility) bragging about one thing or another. It’s their way of showing off their status.  

Style and Design

Imperium citizens prefer to show off. From the poorest to the oligarchs, all will go out of their way to show off what status they have. The better dressed and bejeweled, the higher the social status they have.
Controlled Territories


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