The Republic

The United Worlds of Merit’ha, otherwise known as The Republic, is a constitutional republic. Each world elects a representative who travels to the capital system of Bethios where they join the Great Senate. There are 75 political parties that hold seats in the senate, and each are vying for power and forming then breaking alliances. All position themselves in order to get the best of what they can for the people they represent. This is usually a very chaotic process, and rightly so. It’s slow, overly dramatic, messy, and frustrating, but it works. The Premier of State, Ev’wourd Mosenbe, is finishing his third and final term. Hailed by the public as a fighter of corruption, he is himself under investigation by the very anti-corruption watchdog group that he created. Whether or not he makes it out of office without a conviction is something betting houses are laying odds on.
  Personality: The people of the Republic are fairly muted. They favor calm analysis over seat-of-the-pants leaps to action, which makes them a force to be reckoned with during times of war. They are always pressing forward and never make rash mistakes.
  Republic Style: Republic style tends to be very utilitarian, leaning more toward function over form. This makes ships and official buildings boxy and gray. Only rarely is there a nice design, though that is usually more by accident than anything else.
Geopolitical, Republic
Controlled Territories


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