
Varris is a Class 7, Tech Level 7 world. It is known for the vast cities that sprawl the surface which have led to a pollution problem. The world is also known for the massive gap of income inequality. The poor and small middle class live and work on the surface of Varris in one of the expansive Megacities, while the rich live on large ornate stations orbiting the world.  


The only way to travel to the surface of Varris is through these stations. There are no shuttles that land on the surface. Travelers can only use one of the 25 space elevators that reach from the surface to the large orbiting stations. Freight produced on the surface travels up to the stations where it is shipped to customers.  


The main industry of Varris is manufacturing. Raw materials come in from off-world and is shipped down to the surface where massive factories process it per the customer's orders. The items are then shipped back up into orbit and where the customer either picks them up or they are delivered. One of the largest domestic industries on the surface is the enhancement of a person's body with Aolon Wesk.


Varris is a heavily polluted world  due to the extremely large Megacities, extensive industry, and heavy deforestation. Efforts to clean the pollution are few and far between, with many being only token gestures. It is common for people living on the surface to always wear masks or to have cybernetic replacements for damaged lungs.    There is very little to no vegetation in the cities. It is common for see large air recycling station every few blocks to scrub out Carbon Dioxide and manually add fresh oxygen so residents can breathe.    Outside of the cities are considered wasteland, with endless deserts and very little vegetation. The forests and jungle that do still exist are forbidden to enter, even to the very rich. They are walled off and considered a necessity for the survival of the planet.

Localized Phenomena

It is highly common for the residents on the surface of Varris to augment their bodies with various cybernetic replacement. The purposes for such enhancements range from the replacement of damaged body parts or to enhance their natural ability. The use of such cybernetic enhancements is so widespread that it is believe that there may be no people who do not have any Aolon Wesk.   Uses of specialized enhancements can enhance strength, improve the senses, and allow the direct interface of the brain to computer systems.


Because access to the surface is strictly limited, little factual information can be verified. Varris representatives maintain that the world is just and equal with a very high quality of living on the surface but what little surface scans have been performed shows a very bleak image.   One of the few events that made it out from the surface is the report of the augmented attack performed by Varris citizens on DRAS refugees on both Millennium Station and Thoron’s Crown  The Augmented Attack During the final days of the exodus of the DRAS from Prel, a military Colonel named Aolon Wesk who had strong anti-DRAS and anti-AI views attempted to defy orders and release weapons of mass destruction on the surface of the world in order to wipe out the androids. The thought behind the concept of the attack was that the androids would be concentrated outside the spaceports and that attacking crowds there would wipe out the DRAS attempting to leave.    Military leadership vetoed the plan citing the extreme risk of killing organic Prel civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure. They sided with the Prel government in allowing the DRAS to leave peacefully. Wesk defied orders and attempted to order the attack on the home world. The traitorous attack was foiled by Wesk's own assistant who shot him and ordered a stand down. Wesk was arrested after medical treatment.   Wesk had somehow escaped his sentence on Prel and fled to Varris where he used more advanced knowledge of the DRAS and Aolon Wesk to form a type of anti-AI cult that fed on his emotional rantings of claims of the AI taking over and destroying organic life. Preying upon the downtrodden citizens of the Varris surface he created an army of sorts that he outfitted with Aolon Wesk that he himself designed.    Wesk included a trap in the cybernetics he gave to his rabid followers. Upon detection of DRAS a specialized chip overrode the signals from the brain and caused the subject to deploy the hidden plasma cannon in his arm and fire at the DRAS continually until either the DRAS was dead or the person was dead. The firing of the weapon caused feedback damage to the brain that damaged it beyond the point of repair. Putting the cultist into a permanent vegetative state to prevent information of his plans getting out.   The plan was stopped by several individuals from Thoron’s Crown infiltrating the surface of the world and discovering the cult with Wesk at the head. Killjoy and her compatriots killed Aolon Wesk and dismantled the cult to prevent further attacks on her people.


There is very little tourism to Varris. In general, no outsiders are allowed to go to the surface of the world without authorization. Locals cite security reasons but many believe the real reason is to hide the poor living conditions for the citizens in the Megacities. Tourism is only allowed to the stations orbiting the planet.
Class 7
Tech Level 7
The Megacity of Tianjin by Aku Jawa
Owning Organization


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