Xandan (Zæn-dæn)

The Xandan are a upright walking Eumycota Fungus species.    They are slow moving but particularly strong. This is due to the presence of chitin in their cell walls.

Basic Information


The vast majority of Xandan walk upright on two legs, two arms, and a head. They display vertical symmetry where the left and right sides of the body mirror each other.   While most Xandan appear this way this, not the only form they can be found in. They can appear in many forms representing creatures found in nature. This includes, mammals, insects, and arachnids. Xandan in these forms usually stay in the colonies where their forms are most useful.

Genetics and Reproduction

Xandan have no concept of sex or gender. They instead propagate their species by releasing spores into the air. The spores settle and if conditions are right, they will grow and seek connection with the colony. Not all spores will grow, of the cloud of spores, only a dozen will grow, and only half of that of those could reach maturity.   It is considered taboo to release one's spores in the presence of non Zandan. They will normally return to their home colony to release their spores so they have the best chances of growing.   Similarly, it is forbidden to release one's spores in the attempt of starting a new colony without the blessing of the Colonial Nexus.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Xandan are considered to be a highly intelligent species. They are the only species where knowledge is stored centrally among colonies. All Zandan have access to the colony's knowledge as long as they have physical contact with connected members.   A Xandan who leaves the colony structure becomes disconnected and unable to share information. However when they rejoin they will bring new knowledge to the colony which it shares with all members. As well as gain the knowledge that the colony acquired while it was disconnected.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Xandan lack the 5 senses considered average or standard among most species. Instead they are able to sense the world around them by detecting slight changes in air pressure, temperature and vibration across the surface of their bodies. They communicate in the same way. Usually directing the vibration directly to their translation device that they carry, which transcodes the vibration into speech for them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Xandan language is untranslatable outside of their communication inside a colony. They will instead use external translator modules that they learn use to speak Galactic Standard.     This make their names impossible to properly convey so they will choose a name for themselves, usually without context or forethought. It would not be uncommon to see a 2 meter tall walking fungus with a name like "Bob."
Scientific Name
Eukaryotic Eumycota Sapiens
40 years
Average Height
1 - 3 meters
Average Weight
20 - 120 kg


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