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The god of sleep, dreams, and imagination. They are the child of Selksu and an unknown father - though some believe it is Veles and others Aven; a few even claim Nut helped to create them. Hypnos is a very reclusive deity that does not have a large following as others do. Instead, Hypnos works with the other gods to deliver messages through the dreams of their worshipers, clerics, and other mortals of interest. Due to Hypnos' reclusivity, it is unknown how they feel about elves and their ability to Trance instead of sleep or dream.   There are some mortals that are blessed by Hypnos known as Kalashtar.

Divine Domains

Fate, Trickery

Tenets of Faith

Imagination is limitless
Follow your dreams
Nightmares shall pass
Do not fear eternal slumber

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Hypnos is not known to walk the material plane in avatar form and if they do then it is not known to mortals. However, within the dreamscape, they take on a shadowy form with sparkling starlight motes.
Divine Classification
Deity (Global)

Prime Avatar

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