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Goddess of the drowned, death, and burials. She is seen as a neutral goddess, though she is feared by many as none truly wish to die. Death serves a place in the cosmic order, though, and all things must die in the end. Selksu does not appreciate those that would avoid her grasp though evil means but knows that they will join her in the end. Those that are forcibly kept from her Selksu pities and instructs her followers to aid them to her arms. Some of her children work against her in this notion as she is the mother of Anapa and Vampyr. She is also the mother of the god Hypnos and created the Soul Reapers and the Fates.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black handprint

Tenets of Faith

  • All must die in time
  • Pity those that would avoid death
  • Bury the dead with honor
  • Do not desecrate the flesh of the dead


The Great Vigil

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Selksu takes on the form she needs to comfort the dead in her domain. Rarely does she leave the afterlife but when she does her avatar is usually that of a drowned woman with bone-colored skin. Other forms she is known to take are of a refined skeleton and an old woman.
Divine Classification
Deity (Primordial)

Prime Avatar

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