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Tuninclu is the capital city of Lodoss. Located in the center of the nation and on the largest parcel of land in the country. Here the royal family Gyendolten has ruled for 100 years settling every rebellion with a swift hand. Tuninclu is not the most populous city in Lodoss but it is the wealthiest and the most strongly fortified against attack. It is the center of culture and political life in Lodoss with many nobles of the realm visiting during the summer to make marriage arrangements, forge alliances, and catch up on the latest gossip. The castle sits on a cliff and as one travels down the cliff the one passes the homes of the nobles, the wealthier shops and guilds, the temples, and the homes of those with some means. At the base of the cliff around the outer walls are the slums where the poor reside.   Outside the walls are several towns and plenty of farmland. The smallfolk here supply the city with food. Many here or their ancestors were given this land for their service in the royal army.

Guilds and Factions

Global guilds: Adamant Adventurers
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