The calendar used by
Elven cultures.
Date Units
The year on
Miragia has 374 days, divided into 12 months. Most of them have 31 days, while two of them have 32.
Daytime Units
A day lasts 26 hours. Each of those is divided into 52 minutes with 52 seconds each.
The months are named after the four seasons, each of which is split into an early, middle and late phase.
| Name | Days |
1 | New Spring Moon | 31 |
2 | Mid Spring Moon | 31 |
3 | Old Spring Moon | 31 |
4 | New Summer Moon | 31 |
5 | Mid Summer Moon | 31 |
6 | Old Summer Moon | 32 |
| Name | Days |
7 | New Autumn Moon | 31 |
8 | Mid Autumn Moon | 31 |
9 | Old Autumn Moon | 31 |
10 | New Winter Moon | 31 |
11 | Mid Winter Moon | 31 |
12 | Old Winter Moon | 32 |
Days of the Week
Every day is assigned to one of the eight elements. Working people usually rest on the day of the element that is opposite of the one to which they have an innate connection.
For example, someone with air-related powers would rest on "Ground Day".
| Name |
1 | Air Day |
2 | Fog Day |
3 | Water Day |
4 | Plant Day |
| Name |
5 | Ground Day |
6 | Lava Day |
7 | Energy Day |
8 | Fire Day |