Northern Forest Elves

Table of Contents
The Elven culture living in the northwest of the continent.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Girls are usually named after flowers, birds or insects such as butterflies. Immaterial concepts such as sunlight, music or kindness are also popular.

Masculine names

Boys' names often reference furry or scaly animals along with their notable traits. Others are related to weapons or tools.

Family names

Family names are often derived from tree species, large animals or professions. They are placed before the given name and separated by an apostrophe in writing. Upon marriage, women take on their husband's family name, and the children inherit it as well.


Shared customary codes and values

Mind over Muscle

Intellect is valued more than raw physical force. For example, military leaders figuring out strategies are appreciated more than the soldiers implementing them. The leader of a business making economical decisions is appreciated more than the farmers, miners, or craftspeople producing the actual goods. A skilled wielder of any Element is appreciated more than somebody who relies primarily on manual work.  


Elves, in general, place great emphasis on their lineage. While wealthy or otherwise influential people can rise to a high rank, true nobility will always be above them. Likewise, family businesses are passed on to the oldest child, and people seek to marry into families of similar reputation to their own.

Average technological level

Rural areas tend to have little in the way of infrastructure and automation. Most of the machinery is moved by animals, wind, or flowing water. Light and heat is provided by burning wood.   In contrast, large cities rely on clockwork mechanisms for various applications. Animal fat is often substituted for firewood there because it is easier to transport and store.

Common Dress code

Women tend to wear long, flowing skirts and robes since they rarely need to worry about practicality. In contrast, men often wear tight-fitting clothing that does not get in the way and can be washed easily.

Art & Architecture

They pride themselves on their cultural achievements, and their ability to enjoy life rather than just making a living. Even hard-working peasants will set some time aside to read a novel, attend a theater performance, or listen to music.   Almost everyone decorates their living space with delicate ornaments, and the ubiquitous Elemental magic makes those decorations very affordable. Aesthetics also play a great role in everyday designs, even for the most basic tools.

Common Taboos

"Animals are noble creatures. But that does not make them our equals."
They mostly live in peace with the Werewolf immigrants from the north and have a certain respect for their physical strength, but closer relationships are frowned upon. Werewolves are often excluded from social gatherings, and mixed-species couples are shunned at best. People entering or supporting such a union are legally prosecuted in all major cities, with punishments such as incarceration or re-education. In the kingdom of Fir'arun, it is even punishable by death.


Beauty Ideals

Lean muscles and low body fat are preferred. They are seen as a sign of hard physical work or strength of will, in contrast to laziness and decadence. However, a healthy balance is required. Most elves react with repulsion to a body that is too scrawny, since the person in question evidently does not take care of themselves enough. A worker without muscles or a scholar who forgets to eat cannot contribute much to society.

Gender Ideals

Men are traditionally seen in the roles requiring physical strength whereas women occupy those focused on the mind. As a consequence, most warriors, hunters or craftspeople are male. Scholars, healers or artists are usually female. Likewise, men tend to focus on offensive or productive uses for element control whereas women focus on defensive or supportive ones.

Courtship Ideals

Men and women are meant to complement each other. Usually, the man tries to prove himself worthy as a protector or provider, while the woman contributes her wisdom to guide him on the right path.
Native Name
Inhabited Countries
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
Skin Colors
pale grayish-brown
Hair Colors
dark blonde to brown
Eye Colors
green to brown

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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