Elegant bipedal mammals with smooth skin and pointed ears.
Basic Information
Elves tend to be tall and slender, with moderate amounts of muscle and rather low body fat.
Their ears are thin and pointed, and their eyes have slit pupils. They have the teeth of omnivores, with incisors at the front, rather blunt canines next to them, and molars in the back.
Elves have an innate connection to the eight material elements, being able to sense and shape them. Most people are attuned to one particular element on the primary tier. Additionally, they can often access one of the adjacent secondary elements.Genetics and Reproduction
Elves are viviparous and compatible with other mammalian humanoids. Pregnancy lasts approximately 22 months.
Growth Rate & Stages
Elves enter puberty around the age of 20 and reach physical maturity at about 50 years. Old age begins around 300.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Their diet is mostly plant-based, with small amounts of animal protein. There are also some ethnicities that completely avoid animal products.
Additional Information
Geographic Origin and Distribution
They are native to the continent Vinalur. Additionally, some live in the south of Vuniven alongside the Werewolves.
370 - 490 years
Average Height
1.75 - 1.9 m
Average Weight
60 - 75 kg
Average Physique
lean with medium amounts of muscle
Related Ethnicities
Southern Forest Elves
Jungle Elves
Lowland Elves
Jungle Elves
Lowland Elves