Fog Turning

Table of Contents


The ability to rearrange tiny droplets of humidity in the air.

Side/Secondary Effects

Exhaustion tends to weaken both the wielder's personality traits and cognitive processes. Symptoms can include:    
  • being caught off guard by attacks
  • bumping into obstacles
  • searching for obvious things
  • struggling to comprehend words
  • being less social than usual
  • being less inhibited in the company of others
  • being less forgiving about other's actions
  • being less passionate about one's interests
  • Applications

    Fog Turning is rarely used by pure Fog wielders. Most of the time, it is used by Air wielders whose secondary attunement is Fog. Combined with Cooling and Fog Hastening, it controls the form of ice crystals during Snow Summoning.
    Gestures & Ritual
    varies by culture
    Related Element
    Effect Duration
    while concentration lasts
    depends on invested effort
    basic attunement
    Snow Summoning
    Character(s) with Ability

    Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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