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The continent in the northwest of Miragia, home to the Werewolves.


The continent as a whole is rather flat, with no mountains higher than 1600 meters above sea level. The terrain is more mountainous in the south. Near the pole, the continent touches the northern ice cap.


The south has a temperate climate with cold winters and summers that are warm but not hot. The north, however, remains rather cold throughout the year, and in some regions the ground is permanently frozen. The air is very humid, making rain and snowfall the dominant weather.

Fauna & Flora

The south is covered in dense forests of mostly conifers. Towards the poles, trees become rarer. Grasslands with sparse shrubbery take their place before fading into wastelands of moss and lichen.   The continent is home to many mammals such as bovines, bears, wild boars, wolves or squirrels. The most common birds are ravens and woodpeckers, and salmons are frequent in the rivers.
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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