
Table of Contents
Bipedal mammals who are able to turn into large wolves.

Basic Information


Werewolves have a strong build, being rather tall and very muscular. They have large, pointed ears and eyes with round pupils. Their fingers and toes tend to be tipped with sharp claws.   Their humanoid form has omnivorous but rather sharp teeth. Body hair is concentrated on the scalp, limbs and crotch. Their wolverine form has carnivorous teeth and a complete coat of fur.


They have the innate attunement to the elements of Body, due to the strong Body currents on their home continent Norithana. This gives them the ability to change between a humanoid form and one that resembles a large, bipedal wolf.   Werewolves moving to a different region retain this power, but they need more effort to change their form.

Genetics and Reproduction

They are viviparous. In their humanoid form, they are compatible with other mammalian humanoids.   They are not able to conceive while in their wolverine form. It is believed that this limitation evolved due to the logistic difficulties of transforming the fetus along with the mother.

Growth Rate & Stages

Werewolves enter puberty around 12 years and reach physical maturity around the age of 20. Old age begins around 95 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diet is focused on meat and fish.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are native to the northwestern continent Norithana. Smaller populations can be found in the north of the elven lands, mostly in Gen'arun, Vel'arun and Mav'arun.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their wolverine form has an excellent sense of smell.
Wolverine Form
Genetic Descendants
120 - 165 years
Average Height
1.7 - 1.8 m (humanoid)
2.5 - 3.5 m (wolverine)
Average Weight
70 - 90 kg (humanoid)
120 - 300 kg (wolverine)
Average Physique
muscular with medium to high body fat
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Innate Dimensional Powers

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


Author's Notes

Some details, such as the ear placement on the humanoids and the size of the wolverine form, are based on designs by Alka-Di-Kijarr, as seen on the "Kingslayer" artwork.

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