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The western continent that is inhabited by the Elves.


The continent is of a compact triangular shape. A massive mountain range rises up slightly east of the middle, separating almost a third of its area from the rest. It also contains a number of volcanoes that erupt every couple of centuries.


Vinalur stretches across several climate zones. Besides that, the central mountains block off rain clouds from the east. Consequently, the continent's regions vary greatly in their climate.  
  • The northern edge lies in a subtropical zone with mild winters and hot summers. Snow is very rare there, and rain mostly falls in the colder months.
  • The central west is mostly arid. Large parts are covered by steppes, and a vast desert is located in its center.
  • East of the mountain range, the climate is mostly tropical. Rain falls throughout the year, and sunny days are hot and humid.
  • The southern tip lies in a temperate zone, with cold winters that get harsher towards the south. Summers range from hot to mild as one approaches the pole.

Fauna & Flora

Like the climate, the flora and fauna are very diverse across the continent.  
  • The northern forests are home to wolves, foxes and wild boars, as well as small rodents, songbirds and ravens. The trees are mostly deciduous, including various broadleaf species and a few conifers.
  • Felines, equines and elephants roam the steppes where tall grass and massive solitary trees define the landscape.
  • Vultures and camels are among the few animals in the desert. Smaller animals such as monkeys and birds gather around the cacti that store the rarely falling rain water.
  • Up in the mountains, goats are a common sight while eagles fly overhead. Vegetation is scarce, consisting mostly of grass and hardy shrubs.
  • The eastern jungles are inhabited by countless colorful birds and snakes, along with mammals such as the mungoose. Numerous broadleaf trees and orchids with large blossoms thrive there.
  • In the southern forests, one can find large moths, various birds of prey and antelopes along with burrowing animals such as badgers and rabbits. Towards the pole, the deciduous broadleaf trees make way for cold-resistant conifer species.
Alternative Name(s)
Vin'alor, Kimifine
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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