The Song of Life

The origins of the Song of Life are no longer known today. It is most likely that Cahaya herself gave the song to the longlost dragons. Since they did not consider it necessary to document the origins, it is now also unknown at what time the song was gifted to the them. The dragons themselves only passed it on from one to another orally.

Even after it was written down, for many years, there was only a single record of the song. This was written down by Bilgi himself while he still walked the land of Mirintha as a mortal. During his search for the dragons, who at that time rarely showed themselves in Elysaria, he indeed met a dragon who taught him the Song of Life. During the period when Bilgi then began to gather the world's knowledge in his library, today's Great Library of Sifa , the Song of Life was one of the first documents to find its way into this collection. There it was included in a large series of songs, poems, and ballads and remained there for centuries.

When the The Ruby Fever broke out in the year 218 of the Third Age, people began to search for an effective remedy. Searching the Library of Sifa required a lot of time due to its immense size. Additionally, the song was primarily considered to have entertainment value, and its true purpose was not recognized. When the document was finally unearthed from the archives, they had the song but did not know how to use it. Simply reciting the text had no effect.

After much deliberation and many failed attempts, the solution was found in translating the document back into its original language. All over Elysaria choires recited the song in the language of the dragons, accompanied by musicians of all kinds. The people pulled their hearts into this one chanting, as they deemed it their last chance of survival. One can assume, that their united afforts were heard by Cahaya herself, who took pity of her poor creation and redeemed them. This led to the end of the Ruby Fever, thereby saving the world's population from extinction.

Today, the document is available again in both Perian and Draconic in the Library of Sifa. It can be found in both the Prose section and the Medicine section. Even the original transcript has been preserved.


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Aug 6, 2024 14:27

This article is captures the mysterious and ancient origins of the Song of Life beautifully in a compelling narrative. The journey from its oral transmission to its written preservation is described with elegance and depth. The narrative effectively conveys the significance of the song and the united effort of the people in their time of need, culminating in a triumphant and magical resolution. A truly well-crafted tale that leaves readers enchanted by the power of music and unity.

Aug 7, 2024 09:19

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. That is really encouraging <3

Aug 11, 2024 12:18 by Secere Laetes

Ein toller Gedanke, mit diesem Prompt praktisch die Lösung für deine Krankheit zu bearbeiten. Ich finde es in diesem Fall sehr schön, wie du gelöst hast, dass es vage bleibt, sprich, nicht einfach "isso", sondern ein nachvollziehbarer Grund. Dann die ganzen Versuche, damit diese Krankheit zu beenden. Mich hätte dazu noch interessiert, wie sie denn genau auf die Idee kamen, dass der "song of life" ihr Problem lösen könnte. Ich meine, nur weil wohl diese Göttin den Drachen das Lied gab oder steckte mehr dahinter? Und mit dem Lied selbst hast du dir echt viel Mühe gegeben. Alle Achtung.

Aug 11, 2024 16:25

Verzweiflung. Sie haben einfach am Ende alles mögliche versucht und das Lied hatte einen hoffnungsmachenden Titel. Cahaya ist die Göttin der Hoffnung und eine der beide Ur-Gottheiten. Eventuell hätte ich das fürs Verständnis noch erwähnen sollen?

Aug 11, 2024 17:51 by Secere Laetes

Hm, der Satz wäre wohl wirklich gut gewesen. Ich habe zwar geschaut, was sie ist, aber eben nur die primären Domänen, also Licht und Schöpferin. Hatte man ihren Artikel ganz gelesen hätte man aber natürlich drauf kommen können.

Aug 23, 2024 11:13 by Tillerz

Nette Idee mit dem Song. :)

Aug 23, 2024 13:14

Danke, ich dachte mir, wenn ich über ein Lied schreibe, sollte ich auch das Lied schreiben. Aber die Noten waren der schwerste Teil. Daher sind die auch ... sehr rudimentär, aber man könnte es spielen :D

Aug 23, 2024 16:40

Mir gefällt die kleine Geschichte und dass Du extra ein Lied dafür geschrieben hast, ist großartig. Ich hoffe, wir werden einmal die vertonte Version hören.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 23, 2024 17:06

Das wäre natürlich eine Idee, das ganze als Hintergrund Musik laufen zu lassen. Wobei das ohne zweite Stimme vermutlich nicht so doll klingt. Vielleicht finde ich irgendwann jemanden, der sich damit mehr auskennt, als ich :D

Aug 23, 2024 17:38

Ich glaube, es gibt da jemand im deutschen Chat ;).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.