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Imperial Soranni



Ann'suranni, or Irasti, is the name given to the culture that was dominant in central Nirann from around the years 100-1000 in the Ilsairi Ketsing; it survives in the form of the modern Soranni peoples who attempt to emulate it, especially the Ishunari. The Ann'suranni are primarily based on the Surannic Ingharan tradition, with influence from other peoples like the Anesari, Ischarri, Ithellenoi, and Gentari.


Ann'suranni is directly descended from the Ingharan cultures, being specifically those derived from the subgroup of Ingharans that established the Ilsairi Ketsing.



As for drinks, Imperial culture greatly loved Tea. Tea, first widely cultivated by the Ingharans, has always been a part of the culture of the Soranni. Initially, green tea was considered the finest and most preferred tea, shifting to red and white around the 700s and eventually black in the modern day.
As for grains, rice and wheat remained the most popular things grown and eaten. Imperial baking preferred buns over all other forms of bread prior to the adoption of flatbread in the 900s where it became popular as the Serra. Old Imperial buns were eaten with butter or stuffed with things like meat, influence from the Ischarri peoples. Noodles and dumplings have been equally popular, if not more so than bread. They did not have a large dessert culture bar things like rice pudding and fruit spreads, prior to the modern period.


Clothing for the Imperial Soranni changed heavily over the course of their existence. Initially, they wore Ingharan style clothes with long baggy sleeves and robes that went down to their feet. Boots were the predominant form of footwear, while clothing itself had accents of fur and was made primarily of linen.
By the first century however, sandals and shorter robes had already been adopted as the robes only went down to below the knees and the sleeves were less baggy. Silk was also adopted heavily in this period.
By the year 300, shoes with curved and pointed ends had become the most popular footwear although sandals remained common in the south and boots in the north. In the 400s, a new style came around for sleeves in which the outermost sleeve went just past the elbows rather than going all the way to the hands. By the 800s this had evolved into a sleeveless sort of vest and a short sleeve variant but these were only popular around Soranna city itself.
In the 600s, fur began to fall out of fashion due to it being associated with the invading Gentari and barbaric Ischarri peoples. Rather than simple patterns as well, the clothing began to become extravagant as whole scenes and whatnot were embroidered on clothing rather than simple patterns and motifs.
All in all, by the end of the empire, although fashion had diverged, your average person might be wearing shorter skirts, shorter outersleeves, shoes, and no furs.

Art and Motifs

Concerning motifs, the Imperials were among the first on Nirann to adopt geometric patterns as their primary ones. This was due to the belief in firm patterns being able to create inherent stability. This is a noticable change as prior to this the most popular patterns were flowing and vinelike as seen with Ingharan art.
As for the art itself, stone murals were initially some of the most popular as well as art on pottery. In time these would evolve to get more elaborate as people would carve out scenes on stone slabs and fill them with molten gold. Despite these extravagancies, simple painting with few colors became very popular.


Most literature in the Imperial cultural sphere concerns itself with ancient heroes, legends, and people of noble hearts. One of the most popular later stories was that of the Mijan Tales, which concern themselves with the Mijan Rebellion that overthrew empress Na'vea. In the early period, the dialogue of Usorring was one of the most popular, an epic that told the story of Usorring's sacrifice and how he came to earn the mandate to rule from the gods. Literature initially was meant to only glorify the gods, but this changed rather quickly as the old Ingharo-Soranni culture was influenced by outsiders into being less zealous.


Imperial era architecture was very grand due to the vast wealth of the empire; an example of imperial grandness being the temple at Me'atri which hosts various golden inlays.
Construction in the period generally favored carved stone and stone bricks, with heavy tile shingles for the roof. Often, these tiles would be carved with designs of prayers, especially for the very top or the corners. Lattices and arches remained particularly common; however, the most impressive feature to come was the use of stained glass that made most royal buildings a sight to behold. Domes were introduced in this time by people in modern day Anosfae.

Sports and Games

It is said that many of the traditional sports like Cu'sula (vaulting over canals), Inaskai (mock battles), Buke (wrestling), and Muna'gaz (jousting on rafts) began in the canals of the heartland of Soranna. In addition to this, some of the more popular sports that now are uncommon were that of charioteering, arrow catching, distance throwing, and dragon hunting.
As for games, board games were incredibly popular with games such as the game Sennsindo, which is similar to chess in premise; Vour, a dice game in which the dice determines one's movement as they try and navigate to the end of a board that is prepared by third party; and Wardai, a game in which one must roll five twenty sided dice at a time, adding up the score to beat the other party.

Leisure Activities

Flying kites, fishing, archery, and hunting were all common leisure activities that were practiced in the empire. Besides these, the imperials were and still are notorious for operas that tell historical stories for the masses. The culture is full of extravagance and over-the-top shows of wealth as the actors are covered in gold jewelry, noble makeup, embroidered clothes, and wonderful accessories.

Festivals and Ceremonies

Most modern festivals come from the Imperial period and before, with the most popular old festival still being that of the spirits festival. Back in the day, riding with lanterns was not common but rather an Ischurri thing. In those times great bonfires and music would be played from the center of town to draw in good spirits while everyone danced.

Pottery, Crafts, and Decoration

The Imperials are known for their work on glass, and still are to this day, but this was not their only exclusive art. The imperials used to craft fine pottery and expensive china, all of which were decorated with fine geometric patterns and occasionally astrological or heroic motifs.

Music and Singing

Singing and music are quite important, as ornamental singing and twangy instruments are quite common and can be found everywhere from operas to parks to brothels.

Religion and Spirituality

The main religion of the imperials was the ancient form of Anevia, although faiths like the Ilhjisi one started in this period. The imperials themselves were full of many beliefs and ideas, all of which typically accepted the belief in the Anevia pantheon but interpreted the events differently.

Gender Roles and Sexuality

There were four genders, five in some regions, that formed the foundation of traditional Niranni gender although they were based on a combination of sex and presentation.
Homosexuality among the Tsennari was tolerable among the people, with most royals having homosexual lovers or concubines.

Hair, Beauty, and Makeup

Old Ingharan makeup used to paint the whole face white and the teeth black, but later the teeth were instead whitened. By the Soranni period this white makeup was helped by red and black lips and tracing around the eyes.

Societal Class

Martial Class and Martial Culture
Class was much more important in the Imperial period as bloodlines and clans created the Ishtari, the knight class that was full of romantic warriors. The Ishtari eventually shifted into a class of honor bound wandering warrior poets, but during this time they were the backbone of enforcing the law and whatnot. These warriors created much of the history through their wars; became many of the poets, scholars, and mages; and fought to hold their privileged place as meritocratic elites in society.
In ancient times, the Ishtari was an Ingharan tradition that was based on filial service. This culture changes to be one of bravery and deeds, prior to the introduction of Ischurri who still practiced the Ingharan type beliefs.

Societal Values and Norms

Honor is associated with victory and service to the Imperials, eventually shifting to be more with loyalty and victory. The loyalty was an important part of Ischurri culture that made its way into Imperial.
Compassion and Love
One is expected always to show great compassion to others, being kind to guests and respecting hospitality; loving others and wearing your heart and feelings on your sleeve.

Noble Subculture

The noble subculture was rather a big deal due to the fact that the number of nobility in the empire swelled to bloat the formerly efficient country. They were considered extravagant due to their use of things like golden inlays and new complex patterns. The makeup of the time grew extravagant, not to mention complex hairstyles and hairpins grew to become normal among the people of the time.

Major organizations

Emperor Aremi - Founder of Soranna.
Parent ethnicities
Languages spoken
Adakai an Saagishe, an Imperial Soranni Knight.


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