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Orzren Auhas an Mistanem


Orzren an Mistanem


Orzren an Mistanem, born Auhas Missanem, is the head of the Kirrentai in 1568, one of the most prestigious and powerful organizations on the continent of Nirann.

History and Life

Early Life

Auhas Missanem was born to the Missanem family in Illoreanna sometime prior to 1520, with the official claim being 1512. He was born to a poorer family that made their living by performing odd-jobs, especially in connection to the library and mint of the city. As Auhas grew to a young boy, he took up time playing near the library, where he was eventually noticed by a monk named Farra who began to teach him to read. In time, Auhas would become relatively skilled at poetry and writing around the age of 7. It was at this age, that Farra offered to take Auhas up to the monastery on the volcano overlooking the city to train him as a monk; Auhas, being a young child, agreed without much of a thought and was seperated from his family to be trained in religion.
Auhas had a hard time at the monastery as he missed his family, and as a result his studies proved to be inadequate and so he was sidelined in terms of promotion to an official monk. Despite this, he was talented in magic due to the lessons he was taught by Farras. When he was 14, the Ataarad ships attacked the city; seeing his family in peril, he rushed down the mountain towards them to try and find them. Upon reaching the rubble of his former home, he was assailed by one of the pirates who was set to kill the young boy before his father distracted the pirate long enough for him to escape outside, despite this, more pirates began to flood the street so he ran back towards the inner part of town where the knights were beginning to retake the city. He took cover in a bakery and waited for hours as the battle raged on. Later that night, news was that the pirates had left the city and so he went back to the burnt remains of his home again, where he saw his brother and mother crying over the body of their father. Auhas joined in and together, they mourned until the next morning, where they cremated the body and began to work on salvaging what they could from the house. As a result of this incident, Auhas left the monks and began working around town to support his younger brother and his mother. They lived in a tent for some time, where in the candlelight Auhas taught his brother Taiviras how to read.
Auhas' luck would change when he was working at a job near the royal mint, and heard someone mention the first lines of a poem as he was talking, but could not recall the final line. Auhas, still working, answered the man. The man, impressed, spoke and asked Auhas for his name. Auhas looked up at the man, who was in a dark green robe that went all the way to his ankles with the sleeves incredibly baggy, his hat was furred and pointed at the top with a filial; the man who spoke to Auhas was clearly an outsider. Auhas answered his name, with the young man saying "I am Argo of the Hitahan family, my friend come speak with me." Argo introduced himself as an Ischurri from one of the premier merchants from the Inghar valley, where he ran one of the richest silver mines on the continent. Argo offered to train Auhas as an accountant for one of his newer mines in Ischarra, and so he took the job and his family to travel to live at the mine.


Auhas worked there until he was 19, where he gave his post to his brother and decided to travel to the monastery at Ijisal. When the king came to visit Ijisal, he was ambushed by a cousin's assassin; Auhas fought back the assassin with his flame magic, killing him. It was at this point he took on the name Orzren, meaning friend in battle. There with his passion restored and developing skills, he became a fine monk. Kirrentai authorities soon sought him out as a way to contact the Hitahan family, and in no time he had risen to become the head priest of the mining town, establishing his own temple there. His temple had many workers who produced a variety of goods with the silver, leading to Argo to become a regional Kirrentai head by the age of 25. It was at this time, where he had begun to court a woman named Iovarra, which he soon married and had his first child Edovir and later Argos named after the man who changed his life.
In this time, he would travel occasionally to Ishkerr and even Soranna City to speak with the magnates of the Kirrentai, eventually being inducted among them after befriending the previous Ilaizai (leader) Miivorin. He would continue to serve as his children grew older, and eventually Edovir married Lume Zaidane and had his first grandson Faimire. On the other hand, Argos married Iare Zanmond and had Firrower. Firrower would run away from home to Izegen at age 15 to marry his love Marie Serelve, and in two years would move back to Illoreanna and have Sormei Septeriye. Seeing his family grow, he felt pride and satisfaction in his part. By luck, Sormei was born the same day as the crown prince Sivirri, and so he was taken to be his shadow as was custom of the royals of Immestrai, binding their families together. After the passing of Mivorin in 1557, he was chosen by King Ilseret to become the next Ilaizai due to the familial connections.


As leader of the Kirrentai, he began to focus less on the conversion of other Niranni regions to following Anevia, but rather the development of ties through countries and converting them through theological debate. Orzren was concerned with education, and began the policy of sending out monks to teach history and writing, enhancing the literacy of Soranna and Ischurrai even more than it had already been. He also began to operate out of Lileanen and Immestrai, rather than Soranna due to the influence of the council pestering him.
During his time as head of the Kirrentai, he befriended the young prince Sivirri and they bonded over both being from Illoreanna and no longer living in their home. He would serve as one of the young prince's writing tutors, as well as a magic teacher. The young prince would learn history, creativity, and the necessary skills of an admistrator from Orzren. Seeing his friendship with the young prince, it was only natural that he would side support prince Sivirri in 1568 during the Ischarri succession crisis. As of present, he is beginning talks with the Thadians and Alsivai confederacy.
Orzren as the Anevia Cardinal
Year of Birth
1512 KAA 56 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born into a Poor Family.
Tsennari: Male - Masculine
Dark Blue
Long Dark Brown Hair
200 Lb
Anevia Religion - Cult of Anetos
Aligned Organization
Orzren is the head of the Kirrentai, of the Anevia Faith, see below.
Organization | Jul 15, 2024
Generic article | Jul 31, 2024


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