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The Kirrentai



The Kirrentai is the organization in which the official religion of much of the continent of Nirann is administered. It originates in the first shamans from the stonespire mountains, who moved to the city of Soranna following the ascension of Aremi Izara Kessiar and began a cult to him. From here Soranna has been considered a holy city and the temple worked to favor the power of the Ilsairi.
Eventually, the Kirrentai was accepted into the Soranni government under Aremi when he created the Ministry for Religion, and set the Kirrentai as the group to govern what could and could not be practiced. The Kirrentai created a series of edicts that banned things that related to blight, necromancy, human sacrifice, and other things that created impurity. Their strict enforcement of this was carried out by the Soranni military and their laws were almost always accepted by the dukes and Emperor.
Eventually, the Empire began to decline and the ministry lost it's importance. The Kirrentai struggled to hold on to power, and Monasteries all over the continent began to ignore the edicts from Soranna city. While most of the Kirrentai would begin to go independent, some in the far flung colonies on the Kimarai sea held on and strengthened their resolve. As the new Kingdom of Korthai began to emerge, the Kirrentai survived as the official religious organization there.
A young Atshara studied in Korthai, and saw the Kirrentai still alive and flourishing; Atshara saw the reduced influence of the Abyss mages and pollution in the region, and so he resolved to bring it back to the east. Years later, lord Atshara's army marched into Soranna city and declared the Kirrentai restored. Temples from across his realm and conquered territories were forced to submit, and the Korthai Kirrentai officials were reinvited to Soranna to begin the creation of the new order.
In the years since the foundation of the new Kirrentai, the organization has spread throughout Soranna, Immestrai, Anosfae, Ischarra, Raekara, and some lands among the Laus.


The Kirrentai has oppressed numerous native religions as well as funded invasions of monasteries that refuse to submit, with the most prominent example being the 1554 invasion of the Alsivai Confederation by the Tsurassi realm in order to gain control over lands controlled by the monasteries.



The Kirrentai has engaged in open political warfare against the Alsivai monasteries due to their belief that the Kirrentai should remain abolished and that it is a way for the Ischarri to spread their influence.

Anevia Supremacy

The Kirrentai has engaged in suppression of religions it deems non-syncretic to the native Anevia faith, primarily that of Sarithra, Abyssal Reverence, and new religions.


The Kirrentai educates people and teached many Niranni across its sphere how to read; however, it also gives an education that favors a positive view of the old empire and teaches the idea of Mihuadai, that all Niranni should be under one banner.

Regulation of Faith

The Kirrentai helps promote local faiths and integrate them into the Anevia faith, such as by introducing certain gods to the canon or helping get all of the legends to match up by assigning canonical equivalents. The Kirrentai promotes most heavily the belief that Anetos and Fameis are the rulers and creators of the spirit realm, and that the Ilsairi clan are descended from an avatar of the couple (Aremi).

Service to the Ilsairi

As Atshara refounded them, the Kirrentai is intensely loyal to the idea of the old empire and the Ilsairi clan that once ruled it. To this extent, they act as spies for the dynasty's head, which in this case is the monarch of Ischurrai.



The Kirrentai high council operates out of the old Imperial capital of Soranna'cii, but most of the cities on the continent have a chapter of the Kirrentai. Some of the most other important cities are Korthai, Issahin, Lileanen, Miszur, Ornemir, Illoreanna, Anndamae, and Ramu'an (Tempas). Besides this, it has become associated with many monasteries such as at Ishkerr Idara and Hitashai Idara.

Structure and Ranks

The Kirrentai is administered via a variety of positions with various roles and structures, with there being seperate sub-structures for the different branches. While there is a central clergy structure, these are positions that do not necessarily reflect the ranks within a single temple but instead are of the whole organization.
Position Translation Notes
Il'aizai Divine Great Priest The highest rank in the Kirrentai, held by one individual. Selected by the Ilsairi clan.
Arekari Councillor Council of the highest ranking clergy, resides in Soranna or Korthai City.
Ekurij Great Seer Highest ranking clergyman in a country, each reports to one of the Arekari.
Ajann Shield Assistant to the Ekurij, charged with mediating inter-temple diplomacy and helping with culture.
Vizari Sword Assistant to the Ekurij, charged with hunting pollution and warfare.
Tsennzai Center Priest Head of the Kirrentai in a region, reports to the Ekurij.
Iyasai Inner Priest High ranking member of the Kirrentai. These are typically head priests who preside over several temples. Regulates festivals.
Orassi Outer Priest Rank given to the head priest at a temple, typically report to an Iyasai. Presides over the temple.
Sai Priest The initial rank given to a member of the Kirrentai, who is a priest at a temple. Reports to an Orassi. Typically helps with teaching.
Ilsavra Holy Servant A full-fledged member of the Kirrentai, but is not a full-priest. Student under a Sai.
Navan Assistant An entry-level member of the Kirrentai, serve as groundsworkers and assistants.
  Below are the traditional monk ranks in a monastery.       
Position Translation Notes
Ai'ileau Head Monk Head of a Monastery.
Ilsha'ir Sage High ranking monks, teachers and assistants to the Ai'ileau.
Ileauras Warrior Monk Trained monks in warfare, ready to defend the temple.
Ilam Monk The initial rank given to a member of the Monastery.
Selt'Ilam New-Monk Monk Initiate. Student under a Sai.
Navan Assistant Groundsworkers and assistants.
The Kirrentai is the system of the Anevia Religion, see Anevia
Generic article | Jul 31, 2024
Orzren an Mistanem, Head of the Kirrentai in 1568.
Notable Members

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