BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!




Anevia is the most common religion among the Niranni, being the majority faith in most regions of the Niranni bar Alsivai and among the Sirii. It is a derivation of the Ansivi faith that is pushed by the organization known as the Kirrentai - meaning "many temples." It differs from Ansivi primarily based on the organization of deities, and the regulation of the faith. Anevia believes that Anetos is the creator deity and the lord of the heavens, while Ansivi believes that this is debatable as some choose to believe Fameis is. Anevia believes that people should unite around the Kirrentai and support a larger identity based on the region's powerful overlords or even a pan-Niranni identity, while Ansivi believes people should rally around their local monasteries and engage in localism.

Basic Beliefs

The basic beliefs of the religion are that the gods above created the universe and it's many realms. It is believed that these spirits are present all throughout the world and realms, but that the mortal world has been severed by the pure spirit world in order to protect the weak spirits such as mankind. Due to this, the Niranni often will attempt to bridge the gap between the spiritual worlds and the home realm to contact spirits and harness magics while also keeping the balance between the spirits and the natural world.
Niranni often worship spirits, especially those of their ancestors who they consider to be guiding their communities through the tough days. In addition to this, reverence is shown to the natural world due to its association with spirits. Niranni spiritual ideology in this regard is to coexist with nature, rather than overpower it.
Temples are often the main place in cities for the people to worship in cities, however there are shrines in almost every neighborhood. Meanwhile, in the countryside there exists monasteries and shrines to worship. Sanctums and shrines are considered places of high magical potential, and mages often take visits to pray to the ancestors and other spirits. The gods that are worshipped are primarily those in the court of Anetos, gods which serve in the divine kingdom of the divine pair.

Purities and Impurities

It is believed among the Niranni that certain elements are impure. The most common example of this is blood, and to shed blood is to drain the life force of a being. Due to this reason, any act of doing so must be met with purification. Water is said to be cleansing of blood, however only when it is flowing. Stagnant water is associated with death and spirits, with an easy comparison being that of the clean rivers against the murky swamps. Other impurities vary but include anything from excrement to smoke.
As for pure resources, it is said that salt is able to purify; the idea of the purity of salt is possibly due to its natural antibacterial properties. Running water, like mentioned previously, is also seen as incredibly pure. Other purities vary but can include anything from fire to the wind.

Creation and Rebirth

The Niranni believe that the realms of the universe were in the beginning nothing, in a place known as the Great Abyss (Imperial: Ek'saniss). Throughout this period, energies would begin to appear and eventually this would coalesce into a great chaotic storm in the center of the universe. This spinning weaved together many energies, and the energies swirled to create a single primordial being known as Insul. Insul stood at the center absorbing energies and began to attempt to calm the storm. At the edge, the second being was created, this being Kizan. Kizan sought to keep the storm going as to continue the aspect of creation.
The two spirits would battle over the fate of the universe for many years until their energies were spent and the situation remained unchanged. Kizan and Insul both fell victim to the storm’s power and died. From them, a variety of new spirits arose and many more split from these new spirits. Of these, some of the few who inherited power from both of them were Anetos (Imperial: Anutara), another was Fameis (Imperial: Famae).
“And so the Anutara, then known as Iffama (Imperial: Adrift Dream), met the Maiden Famae, then known as Sosanemas (Imperial: Sublime Torpor). It was love at first sight and the two brought each other to an embrace. Here they would perform a dance for what seemed like an eternity together. Over time, their presence would grow into a light that shone throughout the void. Among the spirits they became known as the Ottari (Imperial: Dancers).“
The bodies of Insul and Kizan would fade into the void, where the great storm began to rage once more and it churned out a great deity from the remnants of the two gods. This god was the ever-powerful Zanndrai, lord of the void and Darkness. Zanndrai began his reign over the realms, devouring those who he could catch.
Zanndrai was drawn to a light in the void that shone brighter than the rest, it was close to the worldstorm and so he thought to consume it. There he saw the dancers in their trance, he went to devour them in one fell swoop but was easily dodged by the rhythm of the two. Together they defended themselves by creating weapons together, a spear and a bow. Anetos would draw from the void a great spear named Ottasun, or the Dance of Creation, Fameis would draw a bow called Ammerjis, or the Form of Love. They had learned creation from the dance of the Worldstorm, a feat unheard of. Together they fought the lord of hunger to a standstill, where they would continue for a long time until most of the spirits had come to watch. Eventually, Zanndrai would knock Fameis out of the fight with a swift hit that caused her to begin to fade and fall apart.
Anetos wept and drew forth his blade, dancing, dodging, and drawing his way across the void with immense speed to create a great net that entangled Zanndrai. With this opportunity, Anetos took all his strength and raised Ottasun in the air and cut deep into Zanndrai, exposing the center of his being. He begged and pleaded the name of Fameis for one final arrow. Fameis used the last of her energy to expel the arrow that killed Zanndrai.
Anetos gathered what pure souls he could from the death of Zanndrai and used it to save Fameis, but she still was weak; seeing her weakness, Anetos merged beings with Fameis and became the creator Amaris (Imperial: Dream Fragment). The two were joined by the rest of the spirits in the realm, who celebrated the defeat of the great devouring serpent. Anetos looked towards the worldstorm with Fameis, and they struck it both with their weapons. This allowed the two to consume a piece of the storm and the rest of the energy to be expelled in a great tidal wave across the universe. This wave of energy flowed across the sea of the void and caused refined energy to pool in certain areas. Anetos took Ottasun and used it to carve away land from the celestial sea, the first true realm. Other gods saw this example and would go on to make their own realms.
Anetos had gained immense power, enough to rival the aspects of both his predecessors; he was no longer a simple dancer. He was proclaimed Lord of the Universe by many spirits and gained a following. This following created the palace of Sosannumia (Imperial: Mino'dai'sosan, the Sublime Palace). From the arrows of the maiden, vegetation and trees had taken root. From the arrow at the world storm that had slain Zanndrai, the two nurtured the great tree that would become the Vorrasil.
With this, the new generation of spirits was said to create many places within the void, and these spirits would even diverge from each other to create the second wave of beings. Some of these spirits came to Anetos and asked for a new realm where the weak spirits could live. These spirits were taken to the edge of the worldstorms remains, where Anetos gathered energy and began another dance with Fameis. Using Ottasun, Anetos would dredge up energy and the ruins of past realms from the first wave that was sent out from the worldstorm. He would carve it into the first continent of Nieden using his dagger Miskai. Fameis would take her bow and shoot the first spirits and plants onto the plane using comets. These beings would lose their immortality at the cost of being mostly safe from outsiders. The two did not want the world to be dark like the spirit world, and so Anetos put his hands together against his abdomen and created the first divine light from within himself and brought it up as the sun. Fameis held her hands to her bosom and created two weaker lights for the night, the Moons. After this, the spirits who asked for the world were given a form by all the gods which was a human. They were shot down to the mortal plane. Anetos loved the mortals, and saw how gods were giving parts of themselves to give these creatures more sentience; he did so as well. Anetos took Miskai and cut off a piece of his heart and gave it to those who would become the Niranni. With the sun and moon, the mortal world now had a way to keep track of time; time was important when you had the lifespan of a weak spirit but not for the gods. Anetos saw a need to keep track of time, and so he asked the spirits. So that the gods may learn time as well, a minor spirit named Nerum volunteered to keep track of the rotations of a new moon above the tree of the worldstorm. After this, they spirits would retire to their palace and allow the other gods to contribute to the mortal world.
As time went on, the spirits found the lights of the mortal plane to be wondrous and begged the pair for more in their own worlds. Anetos stood up from the celestial throne, grabbed Ottasun, and ventured out. He saw how energies were coalescing in certain areas like they had been for the realms. He gathered the spirits and proclaimed how they should bring light to the void with a river. The other gods, even lords of the other realms, agreed. They saw how Zanndrai had carved great channels into the realm as he slithered. The spirits began to cut a great river into the void to connect the existing channels so that all the energy would flow into them, and here the first stars would begin to form in the river. The gods were happy that there was now a source of light, which was named the great river of Argosara (Shining River) or Nassara (Celestial River). This river could be seen in the sky of the mortal realm as a great band of forming stars. The god Kinnteha (Essukuri: Elshafar), god of one of the more prosperous realms called Irjanu spoke up and said “But this channel is only here, what of placing something above us to grant light as well?” All agreed, but they did not know how. Another god named Margai (Estheli: Batya) said “I will bring the reflection of the river to our own sky.” The god was armed with a rod named Sarsij (The Star Hook) and began to cast the reflection of stars up using his hook. Soon enough the reflection of the great celestial river could be seen in the heavens.
Margai grew tired, and rested at the shore while the gods were amazed at the spectacle unfolding before them. Fameis was getting tired of feeding her new child Anyun, and so went to pass the baby to her nurse and friend Isara. As some milk spilled into the river, Margai had an idea. He said “If milk sustains the spirit, why couldn’t it be used to form the reflection of the stars?” Isara picked up the spilled milk using her comb, which she had transformed into a brush. Margai then launched her into the sky where she hung onto the hook and painted a great streak above the river in an arc before falling down. She landed safely as she was pulled down by Margai; the two would repeat this for many days as their goals completion grew closer and closer. Spirits of all sorts would try to help such as Isharza (Orijame Isara even used her own energy to paint the last of the stars in the middle. When they were finished, the celestial river’s reflection had been painted all around them as little beacons of light made from celestial energies. The color of the stars varies among the skies of the heavens, but it is thought to be related to which god placed them and the method used.
“It is believed that the universe simply was in the beginning, dominated by a great storm. It was ended by our Ancestor, who put an end to the chaos. Near all of them went off to create their own realms, Fameis and Anetos worked together and created the Ilusiren and Anmarei first, to be their home. Following this they created the patrons and spirits who they had helped create the world of the Hemnerei, and populated it with many creatures and the like. Over time they saw it needed something more, and so they created their last addition to the world, the Niranni.” -Lord Ditrai of Ischarra [1344 ASC]
"And when Anetos created the world he did not do it alone, one has to merely look up at the night sky to see her work. She who painted the stars..." -Lord Sivirri of Ischarra[1582 ASC]
When it comes to the world’s end and rebirth, the Niranni believe that re-emergence of the Tsetrina (World Storm) will occur and cause a great rebirth as a tool of Anetos.  

State of the World

When it comes to the world’s end and rebirth, the Niranni believe that re-emergence of the Tsetrina (World Storm) will occur and cause a great rebirth as a tool of Anetos.

Anetos and Fameis as Rulers

These two are usually depicted as the rulers of the entire universe, which is shown as a Kingdom of sorts with them as the Imperial sovereigns.       
Name Alternate Names Symbol Main Trait/Ideal Notes and Lore
Anetos Nas'anutara Creation, Life The greatest spirit, known most prominently as the one who gave life to many of the world's beasts and forms. He is said to have given power to the Ilsairi clan and gave light to the sun. He was shattered during the great spirit war.
Fameis Famae Partnership, Women, Marriage The wife of Anetos, who is known for giving the light of the night sky to the mortal realm along with the help of her maidens among the stars.
Okhara Change, War Aspect of Anetos. The emotional side which happens to deal with mortals the most.
Emaisha Emaistir Stability Aspect of Anetos. A perfectionist side which seeks to destroy those which don't fit it’s perfect ideal.

The Great Courtly Spirits

The Great Courtly Spirits is the name used to refer to the set of spirits that reside within the palace of Anetos alongside the rulers. These Gods are the ones considered mainstream, and are worshipped by most.                        
Name Alternate Names Symbol Main Trait/Ideal Notes and Lore
Adomar Adomaar, Domari, Adomuun Work, Wealth, The Forge, Craftsmanship Also known as Domari, or Adomuun, this spirit is best known for his commitment to contracts and work. He is the patron of workers and merchants alike. Merger of Adomuun and Domari
Merumi Kindness, Community, Happiness Merumi is associated with kindness and community, as well as love. It is said that young lovers and village elders often pay respects to the deity. This deity is said to bring happiness to the community.
Îkar Îkaris Journey, Travel, Boundaries Îkares is the spirit of travel and boundaries. A sort of psychopomp of the Niranni, as it is said he first showed the fallen Niranni the path to the court of Anetos. He is often worshipped by merchants and other nomads. Merger of Aglanaia and Hikares.
Alsairi Aruse, Alsaiyu Fertility, Harvest, Food Also known by Arose or Alsaiu, this spirit is the one of fertility and the harvest. They are often cited at feasts and festivals for the bounty. Merger of Turheniia and Arose.
Isara Isaris Stars, Navigation, The Heavens, Art The great spirit that is accredited with painting many new stars into the sky so that the Niranni may see light. As daytime came, she painted the clouds and the many vistas of the continent.
Kisamia Amia, Imyllia Poetry, Love, Expression Also known as Amias, a spirit of storms, wind, and poetry. Theyre known best by writers. Merger of Amias and Aemyllia.
Kaimira Marsiss Seas, Flow An adrognyous spirit associated with the calm sea, sometimes depicted as a dragon or giant serpent. Worshipped by fisherman and Sailors most often. From Marses.
Atri Adu, Atrim Passion, Willpower, War, Magma A spirit associated with fire and the like. He is most often worshipped by those pursuing their dreams and wishing for good health. From Arkhes. Also known as Adu or Atrim.
Mustofias Muztai Form, Stability A spirit much often associated with the stones and the earth. Mustofias is said to have carved much of the stones of the earth into great hills and deep caves, assisting Anetos in creation.
Sermeas Protection, Order, Valor, Frost Spirit of knightly virtue. He is depicted most commonly as a shielded warrior and worshipped by knights and guards. He is often associated with frost as a powerful frost wielder able to use its power to protect.
Seciida Setiida Time, Life, Change Setiida is the spirit most often associated with the passing of time. It is said they taught man how to keep track of time, and when to farm. Theyre often worshipped by farmers due to the planting seasons. On the other hand, historians learn their lessons with the study of the past and so they revere the seer.
Nayustas Najustas Mystery, Obscurity The deity of the darkness, one associated with lost arts and secrets. They are said to hold great power and knowledge like their sibling; however, their knowledge is often the side which is where knowledge becomes a burden.
Esageus Wisdom, Science, Nuance Sibling of Nayustas, they are associated with learning and wisdom, a patron of many universities and inventors. He is more the practical application of wisdom, while Zae’issen is more theoretical.
Tezufeus Tesefa, Tezurr, Tesefus Fate, Chance, The Future Associated with chance, worshipped by most people commonly, a solid path through life is greatly helped with good luck.
Anmara Anmari, Anmarim Soul, Mind, Animals Worshipped by pregnant women and monks, a god associated with the soul and the mind. In addition to this, they are worshipped by hunters due to their association with nature. Their other names include Anmari and Anmarim.
Haierme, Haierma, Ashel, Ajelon Peace, Serenity A spirit associated with peace and serenity, said to be one of the weaker spirits but an idealistic one.
Sogeren Judgement, Virtue Sogeren is a god associated with knights due to their role in embodying virtue and carrying out judgement as members of the law.
Senarik War, Strength Senarik is said to be a god that is associated with war and strength, they are often worshipped by generals and warriors.
Tereizen Magic, Wonder Worshipped by mystics and mages, associated with divine powers and shamanism. Said to give visions and bestow magical gifts.
Mylla Love. Compassion A friend of Adomaar, representative of love. She is a maiden of Fameis, and is known to help relationships blossom in the mortal realm.

Moral Great Spirits

This refers to spirits that live in the realm of Anetos and are morally good or neutral. These spirits are ones tolerated by the Kirrentai and society at large.                      
Name Alternate Names Symbol Main Trait/Ideal Notes and Lore
Izen Storm, Wrath, Power Izen is not said to be an evil god, nor is he excluded from the cohort. Like many spirits, he is one of the Niranni spirits that are said to be in the same family as the court of Anetos. He simply chose not to be a member of the palace and great heavenly city, rather his own temple on an island that is warmed by magma. In honor of this visage, he has his own temple in the far northern sea, although the island is inhabited by only a few hundred villagers.
Najan Fear, Pain Najan, or Najiri, is the god of fear and pain. It is said that he is not an evil god but seeks to teach mortals what is good for them.
Faitral Faru Luck, Gambling, Fortune Faitral is a god of luck, who often disputes with Esageus but is friends with Tezufeus. They are possibly related to Merumi.
Sainal Revenge, Justice Sainal is the god of revenge but takes a rather aggressive approach to the topic unlike their lawful sibling counterpart of Sogeren.
Zesur Cunning Zesur is a smart and cunning god that resides in the heavenly realm outside the court, he is said to be a jokester and is quite agile. He is a renowned strategist from the god wars.
Îstuva Music Androgynous child of Kisamia, said to have brought Music to the world from the poetry of their father.
Argis Archery, The Hunt Born from the strings of Kisamia and brother of Îstuva, they are said to have inherited the ability to pluck strings greatly. From here, they became an expert archer.
Ebis Pleasure, Temptation Child of Merumi, she is known to tempt others with offers of fun.
Vîcis Alcohol, Parties, Festivities, Games Child of Alsairi and Merumi and sibling to Ebis, this god is one of intoxication and parties.
Hilalu Home, Hearth, Cooking Child of Alsairi and Adomaar, this child is one that brought crafting to food and created the concept of meals for all to enjoy.
Dolma Good Wealth, Business Dolma is the child of Adomaar, said to be a god who loves the accumulation of valuables through legitimate means, but also values the spending of them.
Kivante Savi, Kisavan Wind, Breath, Sky Kivante is the god of winds and skies, often said to be a child of Anetos and Fameis. He is responsible for maintaining fair weather, but must rest a few times a year (during the storm seasons)
Mindis Mindur Society, State, and Discussion Mindis is the god of societal functions, it is said that she handles much of the development of bureaucracy in the heavenly kingdom and inspires those on the mortal plane.
Haira Medicine, Health, Nature’s Order Haira is the god of medicine and health, it is said that she helps man and god alike fight the corruption and maintain the natural order of life.
Zae’issen Philosophy and Ponderance, Theoretical Science Son of Anetos and Fameis and tutored by Esageus, he is the god of ponderance and wisdom. He is known to occasionally join the court but prefers to work on his own.
Ekorio Koryo Ingenuity and Invention Son of Zae’issen, he is known to live with his father in a fortress designed to house knowledge. Here he tinkers away and tries to create new things, one of which was the first water-based clock given to the Niranni.
Anyun Birth, Parenthood, Aging Daughter of Anetos and Fameis, appears often in a state of innocence and youth.
Saan Longevity, Rebirth The god of mortal lives, tasked to ensure that spirits do not stay too long in the mortal realm. It is said that he helps reshape the souls of the dead back so that they may recognize themselves.
Miszali Contentment and Joy She is the god of joy, often depicted as a plump woman with a laugh. It is said she is related to Merumi, perhaps being her twin.

Immoral Great Spirits

This refers to great spirits that remain outside the court of Anetos and his influence; these figures are not worshipped, and are typically less good. These spirits sometimes have their own realms entirely instead of living within the realm of Anetos.           
Name Main Trait/Ideal Notes and Lore
Sanri Envy, Corruption, Darkness Sanri is an evil spirit who is not worshipped except by abyss mystics. Born at the death of Zandrai.
Nerem Sleep, Death The God of Dark Souls, rules the Sarrinrei. Birthed from Kizan, she is one who claims his mantle as eternity due to the idea that all returns to nothing.
Iobra Violence, Bloodshed Iobra is one of the more powerful spirits, that has no home and encourages death and struggle. They were one of the first gods, birthed from Kizan.
Arzim Rough Seas, The Great Ocean Brother of Kisamia, said to be a god that has dominion over the waters far from land meanwhile his brother has those close to land. It is said that Arzim is not as good natured as his brother, and seeks to encroach upon him.
Sevala Greed, Envy, Hoarding Sevala or Sevla is the twin sister of Dolma, the difference being their morality. Sevla is about stealing wealth and hoarding it, which does not contribute to society.

The Primordial Spirits

Name Main Trait/Ideal Notes and Lore
Irosar Chaos, Abyss, Void Irosar is a theorized deity that is said to have existed before the age of the gods
Insul Eternity, Stability, and Tranquility. The First True Spirit, with a name roughly meaning the Bright First.
Kizan Chaos, Rebirth, and Creation. The Second True Spirit, with a name roughly meaning the Dark Second.


The Dreamers (Imperial: Anieri) are a group of powerful men who have ascended to a state between the mortal and spirit worlds. There has been a select number of them present, and it is said that they often have to deal with many challenges to their dreams such as the dark god Sanri, who seeks to disrupt them. It is said that there were originally 9 great dreamers, and later came 18 minor dreamers. It is only the great ones who can be used by Sanri to further his disease. Dreamers are between the mortal and spirit worlds, remaining unaging. They sit at their respective monasteries/temples in a state of unending meditation. While their bodies remain there, the minds of the men enter the spirit world where they study and bring forth great knowledge. The aforementioned Great Dreamers are those gods who have received the blessing of the spirit world and are the most attuned individuals to that world. They however, must face the corruption of Sanri that tries to steal their souls, which becomes impossible to resist when their mortal bodies are seized by the witherance. Eight of them have been taken by the witherance and used as puppets, but almost every time they have been freed with death or untainted. While many have had their souls destroyed, they have made a deal with the god of destiny to be remade. It is for this cause that their souls are never truly destroyed even when they are fully corrupted. Even the smallest piece saved means that they may be reincarnated to grow anew, back to their old post so that they may join the gods once more after this next life. Individuals with salvaged souls are those who have been able to become pure after being tainted and being killed in a blight. These individuals ascended to the heavens with the death of their blight-ridden body and joined the cohort while their apprentices took over their temples.            
Name Status Number Notes and Lore
Nemask Corrupted, Soul Salvaged The First Dreamer Name: Torpor
Inimvis Corrupted, Soul Unknown The Second Dreamer Name: Illusion, Facade
Vizal Corrupted, Soul Salvaged The Third Dreamer Name: Destiny
Zirint Corrupted, Soul Destroyed, Reincarnated The Fourth Dreamer Name: Obscurity
Sibennan Corrupted, Soul Salvaged The Fifth Dreamer Name: Boundless
Varsinn Corrupted, Soul Salvaged The Sixth Dreamer Name: Truth
Assar Corrupted, Soul Destroyed, Reincarnated The Seventh Dreamer Name: Vigil
Okha Corrupted, Soul Destroyed, Reincarnated The Eighth Dreamer Name: Chaos
Iljan Corrupted, Soul Destroyed, Reincarnated The Ninth Dreamer Name: Reverence

Other Spirits

Name Main Trait/Ideal Notes and Lore
Zandrai Darkness, Death Zandrai was a great spirit who was slain at the hands of Anetos, causing many new gods to be born from him. He was born from Kizan, being one of the strongest gods to have been born besides Anetos himself.

Realms and Places

Name Meaning Notes and Lore
Hemnerei Home Realm The Mortal Realm, where Humans reside and nations rise and fall by the day.
Anmarien, Anmarei Soul Realm The realm of where the gods reside, it is said to exist among the stars and is incredibly tranquil. This was before the Immerum began to encroach on it, and as such the wars among heaven began and are ongoing.
Ilusiren Tranquil Realm The place within the Anmarei that the court of Anetos resides. Under siege by the forces of the Immerien.
Immerien Eternal Realm The realm outside the Hemnerei, said to be a darkness of which some spirits make their home. Most prominently is Zirra, an Evil spirit as old as Anetos. It is said this land has been slowly growing towards the Ilusiren.
Iberei (Ignerei) Magma Realm A land said to be among the underground of the Hemnerei, as well as penetrating the Anmarien. It is most prominently seen underneath volcanoes, and other features. It is said to be home to angry spirits. Contrary to the name, much of it is cold and dark.
Aptrazem Void Realms The land that exists beyond the stars and by the heavenly realms. It is unexplored but is host to vast energies, and possibly other dimensions as well.
Sirummive Space Between Similar to the Aptrazem but is the space between realms beyond the stars. It is neither void nor creation.
Emasserei Otherworld The Emasserei, or otherworld, is a place theorized to exist by select mage and scholar circles. This is due to several things such as the Aniereima (Dreaming), and historical events. The dreaming is in reference to a phenomenon that takes place around certain holy sites, where an asleep mage experiences visions of another realm not unlike the Ilsuren. It is said that time is fractured in this place as people could live entire lifetimes in their sleep before waking up just hours later. This place is known to host a variety of ruins in the Solerii style and the place is full of unknown magical seals and wards. Exactly what it is is unknown, but some theorize it to be a product of Sora'eanna or the Ilsuren due to the shattering. Others believe it could be a place that has to do with the history of the Niranni people.

The Postulates

The Rules of the Kirrentai:
To worship gods not supported by the Kirrentai is blasphemous, for it was only the Court of Anetos who gave life to us.
To kill an innocent is to deny the gift of life, and so shall be considered not only impure, but also a highest blasphemy.
To steal from another and to lie to another is to improperly use the gift of life, and so shall be considered impure.
To muddle or degrade one's mind, be it enmity, excessive drinking or harlotry, is to sway from the All-Father's path, and so shall be considered impure.
To treat another is akin to treating yourself, treat others with respect so long as they have kept true to you.

The Ways of Honor

The ways of honor are the virtues of the gods of the cohort and are as follows: 1. Creation is the greatest of gifts. (Mustofias)
2. Mortal life is not eternal, make the most of it. (Seciida)
3. Only people who are true to themselves find the way. (Hikares)
4. Change is inevitable - in your powers is to only delay it. (Atrim)
5. Love people around you, so they may learn to love. (Kisamia)
6. Courage is a virtue, but fear is what keeps you alive. (Nayustas)
7. Cruelty destroys the self. (Senarik)
8. Fate is in your hands, luck is in the hands of the world. (Tezufeus)
9. Charity is the only way to fight Greed. (Adomar)
10. Truly strong people are those of strong minds. (Anmarim)
11. Harmony is the world's desired state. (Haierma)
12. Inside everyone are seeds for being a good person, it is their decision to let them sprout. (Alsaiyu)
13. Justice is merciless, for noble and peasant are equal to the law. (Sogeren)
14. You have to strive for knowledge, as it is what keeps the world going. (Esageus)
15. Use your talents for the good of everyone, not to weave webs of lies. (Isara)
16. There are things in the world yet unexplainable. (Tereizen)
17. Protect people close to you, but do not forget oneself. (Sermeas)
18. The darkest storms are followed by the clearest of days. (Kaimira)


The Vorresil

In Niranni lore the Vorresîl is a great tree planted over the worldstorm using the leftover bodies of Insul and Kizan to stop it from growing further. Insul was the roots and Kizan the leaves. It is said that this tree wraps around the world storm and absorbs much of its energy. This energy is more refined than the raw energy that escapes its roots. It is said that a mage who can access its roots would become ever more powerful, and that some ancient and holy trees are rooted in this great tree. The actual location of the tree is highly debated, with some believing it to be in the Anmarum, and others believing it to be outside of it. The tree is often depicted as a huge willow at the center of the anmarum, filtering out the creation of new spirits to maintain the harmonious balance of energies.


In the rural tribes, among those who listen to no feudal lord, the old ways still reign supreme. Adorned in paints like their feudal kin, they appear as they have for millenia. Shamans draped in hide, linen, and fur with bone and antler accessories. These shamans play a key role to the tribe, advising the chieftains in matters and performing great magical feats. It is said that Niranni shamans are chosen from only the best with potential to cultivate their ability into unmatched prowess. While the Kirrentai has been reborn in a new light, it has changed the view on Shamanism. Shamanism is no longer seen as hostile and now faces much less persecution by settled counterparts. This is in part due to the fact that the Sorannan Empire fell and no longer are people under danger from great pagan hosts. Niranni Shamanism is similar to ancient versions of Anasiaren in most regards but has much more emphasis on a view of the gods that depicts them in a tribal light, with some shamans professing belief in Aremi as well. One deity is often found that has been lost by Anasiaren, which is that of the demigod Ghenduar. Ghenduar is said to have been an ancient warlord who fought off much evil and other people to defend his kin, and eventually led a great confederacy across northern Nieden before passing away in his sleep at an old age. Some believe that Usorring was Ghenduar, although this is debated by most. It is likely that Ghenduar was a tribal leader from the Soranni days, where he fought back the encroachment of the Soranni.        

The Kirrentai


The Kirrentai is the organization in which the official Anasiare religion is administered. It originates in the first priest class from the stonespire mountains, before moving to the city of Soranna following the ascension of Aremi Izara Kessiar. From here Soranna has been considered a holy city and the temple worked to favor the power of the Ilsairi. However in times of strife and when the Ilsairi have vanished, the clergy has grown its own sentiment for governing and has created its own temple state at several points in history. Eventually the Ischurri Ilsairi would reign in the clergy once more and bring stability back to the religion. Monks on the other hand have been largely isolated from the clergy, claiming that the clergy is full of snobs who impose their will on the Niranni people. The Monks often became independent in their fortress monasteries, while others reigned in by states. Those reigned in often contribute warriors to campaigns and support their states.  

Ascended Mortals

Name Symbol Meaning Notes and Lore
Usorring Royalty, Unity A demigod who founded the first unified state of the Niranni in the Gendur Valley. He was an Ingharan during the ancient ages.
Aremi Power, Divinity The first declared Saint, one who founded the first Sorannan Empire through conquest. It is said he was a demigod, as the blood of Anetos surged through him.
Marrhus Knowledge, Wisdom A prominent writer during the days of the Sorannan Empire, known to have written down much about the various Niranni groups as well as the first records on Niranni religious practice. It is his works that would become the basis of the faith’s record-keeping practices. He was so wise and a master of the arts; it was due to his wisdom, that he was able to outsmart a god and steal their powers.
Gentuar Mysticism, Freedom An Imaski Saint among the Niranni of the North, said to have defended his people against the encroaching Soranni Empire. He represents strength and is loved by the people of the north. It is said that a shaman helped him ascend on top of a mountain overlooking lake Lura.
Atshara Esotericism, Faith, Duty Founder of the Ischurrai Kingdom, he and his son Ditrai marched south and retook the city of Sora’eanna from the blightspawn and created the new Kirrentai. It is said that he rode a great dragon and was an exceptionally powerful mage before his death at the hands of an ogre in his sleep.
Mirri Love, Honor An Ischurri saint said to have lost her lover during the great blight, she picked up the sword of her lover and led survivors to rally at Mt. Gendumar. She began the fight and fought back against the horde until the Ischurrai Prince and several Sorrani dukes came to finish off the horde from behind. After her death, the Suran Aroriae Umbra (Order of Seekers of Purity, Auroran Order) was founded in her name.
Eimi Ingenuity, Science A Kassei Saint known for his ideas and creations. It is said that he created some of the greatest inventions of the world, such as the hypocaust system, the piston, orrery, crossbow, compound pulley, and much more. It is said that he was an avatar of the god of wisdom, he was known to have magical prowess that could be used to power his inventions even if many have been lost.
Imaxis (or Imakksus) Righteousness, Warriorship A Serrenese Saint known for his prowess in battle against the first blight. He is said to have defeated their army and killed the dragon at its head.
Anne Ishen Healer, Motherhood An Anesari Saint known for her healing throughout the Niranni world. She provided help to those after the battle of Sirovae, in days before the Sorannan Empire. She is one of the most prominent figures in Anosfae.
Silhdere (or Silhdan) Art, Beauty An Anesari Artist and Engineer, known for creating many artistic works and buildings such as the Akhamne Palace. He is a model for artists all around.
Sirimas (or Dirhim) Freedom, Strength A Laus Saint known for protecting his people against the invading Essukuri, idealized by warriors.
Orzren an Mistanem, Head of the Kirrentai.
War Banner of the Kirrentai

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