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As seen in
Disclaimer: the Satyrs call all their children offspring, and the children born with other species half-breeds.

Basic Information


This species has the upper body of a Human and the under body of a goat. The men have large horns on their heads and the women smaller once. Their ears are slim and pointy.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyrs have a high reproduction drive, not only with members of their own species. But others as well. It is said that every time a satyr sleeps with someone outside his species he leaves the woman in question pregnant.   They are however very responsible for their children if this is the case. Supporting the mother with acorns and emotional. That is what is suspected off them by their own people.

Growth Rate & Stages

A satyr child grows up in seven years, like all other children inside Mirror World.

Ecology and Habitats

Satyrs can live in all the kingdoms if they wanted, their bodies except any climate. But they have decided to live inFantaseria, saying that the extreme cold suits them the best.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Satyrs are vegetarians, but there are some that eat meat.  

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Additional Information

Social Structure

The satyrs do not have a social structure in place, because that would mean they care about one and other. At least that is their point of view. As long as they look good then everything will be fine.

Facial characteristics

Their eye color is brighter than that of the humans. Their ears are slimmer and pointer. This is something they share with their half-breed offspring.

Average Intelligence

Satyrs are smart creatures, but most of the time they think only about themselves. This is a treat that all members of this species share. So taking care of the mother of their half-breeds is not them thinking of others, but more the act to look good.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed that satyrs have the ability to hear magic in music and can talk with the elements. This is however never confirmed by the satyrs themselves. But their half-breed offspring more often than not show this ability as well.    

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Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The mother has the final say in given their child a name. This means also the woman of other species. The father (if he is a satyr) can express his opinion, but it is still up to the mother.

Major Organizations

Satyrs are very much involved in the Court of the Dragon King. This give them in their eyes more status than the satyrs who do not act inside the court. But the shame is extra great when they fail the Dragon King.

Relationship Ideals

Satyrs are in most cases single, marriage is not a real thing in their eyes. Binding yourself to one person is something only the lesser species do. Or satyrs who do not get a lot of attention. If they are 'married' then more often than not it is an open marriage.   They do not care about same gender love. Because love is for everybody and needs to be spread around. It is however not done, when they force somebody in sharing that love.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak common.

Common Taboos

Satyrs are keen on looking good for others. This means taking care of their offspring, no matter if they are half-breeds. If a satyr fails in this task he/she will be shunned. This is also the case if they force themselves on an unwilling party.   Failing the Dragon King is also a big no, no. If you take on a role in the Court of the Dragon King you need to do your best to impress and please the Dragon King.


Satyrs are as old as the other species inside Mirror World and their history is one of many.     Timeline of the Satyrs  

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Scientific Name
Average Height
1.5 meters
Average Weight
100 kilograms
Average Physique
Satyrs are not that strong but they are fast, and their hoves making walking over the snowy/ icy ground easier.
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by wurliburli


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