Frozen Middle

Write about an area or location that is almost impossible for most species to survive and live in.


It’s unknown what the inner parts of the continent look like, but by the shores the surround it is mostly flat, with some cliffs of ice existing mostly on the East end. Most of the continent is cloaked in extremely dense snow storms and fog.


No one has set foot there, most believe that there’s no life. Lady Merthicz however, believes there may be something living there and fears of the possibility of those creatures leaving the continent.

Ecosystem Cycles

It’s stated to stay consistent year round.

Localized Phenomena

An ever-constant snow storm and fog exists.


Stable all year round, but is always extremely freezing.

Fauna & Flora

The fog is too dense to see anything, but if it’s anything like the parts of Thari that are visible, there’s no flora what so ever. Fauna wise, there are ice dragons that live around the area, though don’t seem to enter the Frozen Middle. It is rumoured, however, that sea life exists in it, even able to freely leave the water and fly around. Lady Alqoa says she never created anything that’s able to withstand that kind of temperature.


Attempting to visit Thari, let alone the Frozen Middle, is strictly forbidden by Merthicz herself. Only very few people are given permission to enter Thari itself, but no one whatsoever is able to enter the Frozen Middle.
Alternative Name(s)
Desert, Ice
Location under

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury
This article has no secrets.


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