Garbone’s Axe


Garbone and Akae used to have a more solid relationship, especially as Akae would protect them from Cassius’ abuse and harsh treatment.   One of the things Akae did for them as protection was make this axe by hand. Not only could be used offensively, but it could also be used defensively. The easiest way to use it defensively is to expose the Melisovou Crystal at the pommel, which would paralyse anyone who gazed at the crystal until it was hidden from sight again. Garbone often kept it hidden as they hated having to wear special glasses just to protect themselves from the crystal.   Another way to use it defensively is with the deflector built into the axe head. It can be tricky to use at first, but becomes real easy to get the hang of when deflecting blades.   Garbone doesn’t really use it anymore, often keeping it hung up on the wall in their room. Akae had made it with the expectation that they would get into fighting in some capacity, though it was never their speed. Garbone still cherishes the axe to this day, and it’s really the only weapon they’ll fight with when needed.


The item holds immense and unparalleled value to Garbone, primarily because it was a precious gift bestowed upon them by Akae. This gift came at a time when Akae’s relationship with Garbone was characterized by mutual respect and goodwill, before he began his phase of being demanding and burdensome to them. Receiving such a token was a significant gesture, symbolizing trust and camaraderie between the two parties.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
6 lbs
2 feet by 1.2 feet by 3 feet
Base Price
1,000 gold coins
Raw materials & Components
Iron, 2 leather strips, a wood pole, and a Melisovou crystal.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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