Infernal Dominion of the Void


Cultures vary widely across all lands, but for the most part they tend to follow a strict social hierarchy. More often than not, they tend to follow an old school type of ideology, which purports that the strongest of society are those with the most value, and that they should protect the weak.

Public Agenda

The only thing the Supreme Lord desires to do is carry out the will of the Void. Currently, that just means running a society.

Technological Level

Previously, it had a higher technological level. The infrastructure for it crumbled a long time before ivierae started immigrating to Mirthae, setting them back to more of a late Renaissance level. Thanks to magic though, it hasn’t been too difficult for them, and they’re slowly recovering.


There’s only one religion that’s allowed to be followed. It doesn’t have a name, but it just involves worshipping the Void. All other religions are forbidden, and if it involves an actual God, it will be punished by death.


There’s no official education. If someone wants to learn, they must seek it out from members of their communities. Unless you’re powerful enough to withstand the wrath of the Supreme Lord, then she’ll share all of her knowledge with you.   That being said, there’s been many attempts done to create schools for proper education. More often than not though, it’s either ran by highly uneducated folks, scammers, or folks just looking for easy prey to eat.   Currently, there’s only one school that’s lasted longest of all. Acedaiyo Talenyo Doesn’t have much in terms of general education, but it teaches demons how to serve their lords, fight, and speak Old Tongue. It’s lasted over 2,069 years thanks to a pact a bunch of lords made together, stating that students who enter the system will be taught how to serve together, in exchange for peace between settlements.

Mythology & Lore

The follow the belief that the Void created Hell to escape the tyranny of gods, as well as believing that the surface dwellers sent to Hell when they die were all very faithful to their gods, but too sinful to reach Heaven. They believe it’s their responsibility to punish these hypocritical god lovers accordingly, and then convert them to their lifestyle.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Hell Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species

Tolerated allies

They try to be civil with one another.

Cover image: by ArtisticArmoury


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Jan 8, 2024 18:39 by Kwyn Marie

I love the featured image for your world. How the stars act like blush for her cheeks is very cool,

Jan 9, 2024 15:53 by Ørvar Blackwood

Thanks so much!! :D It’s like my favourite part of drawing Merthicz.

-TXMX (ae/aer, he/him, vamp/vamps)