Evening Council Organization in Mistral | World Anvil
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Evening Council

As the governing body for the Isles of Dusk, the Evening Council oversee all military operations and laws for the settlements that manage to overcome the undead scourge.   Currently, the seats of the Council are occupied by two elves, a dwarf, a gnome, and a human.


The Council is made up of five individuals from across the Isles of Dusk, who are chosen from the top veterans who have completed military service. The selection is based on the veterans' understanding of military strategy, feats of strength, and/or ability to lead their battalion.


The Evening Council controls all of the Isles of Dusk, as the military might that they control is the only thing keeping the majority of settlements safe.   There have been small power struggles regarding a few of the outlying Isles, but any signs of serious rebellion are quickly snuffed out through the use of the Council's navy forces.


Though individuals living on the Isles of Dusk are free to worship any Gods, the majority dedicate their worship toward Ota, the Veiled Lady.
Government, Leadership
Government System
Controlled Territories

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