Entheas Settlement in Mistral | World Anvil
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As the capital of the Isles of Dusk, Entheas is its largest and most fortified settlement. Built partially into a mountain range and surrounded by high walls, it bears more of a resemblance to a fortress than a city.

Sentry Barracks

Home to the many inhabitants of Entheas who are currently serving out their military draft, the Barracks are a sprawling set of stone buildings located in the lowest tier of the city. Their proximity to the walls is intended to assist in the event of siege by the many monstrous denizens of the Isles.


Entheas is almost entirely composed of the Dusk races. However, some of the braver folk of Yoth and Ishval venture to the capital of the Isles of Dusk in search of adventure, renown, or a simpler life. As a result, there is a high percentage of half-dusk elves and other foreign races. These foreigners tend to be races with Darkvision, as living without it is exceptionally difficult in a city shrouded in twilight.
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