Isles of Dusk Geographic Location in Mistral | World Anvil
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Isles of Dusk

The Isles of Dusk are a hostile place - rife with undead and strange monstrosities that delight in tormenting its populous. Its people are governed by a stratocracy, an assembly of military personnel known as the Evening Council who decide on the laws of the land.  


The Isles are made up of rolling hills covered in forests of coniferous trees and fast-moving rivers. The eastern side of the central island is dominated by the Nyx mountain range, towering peaks covered in ice and snow.


One of the places most affected by the war against the Tyrants, the Isles of Dusk became stuck in a permanent state of twilight once the fighting had finished. Despite the dangers of living in such a strange place, there were a few brave factions (elves, dwarves, and gnomes) that chose to remain. Over time, these three races adapted to the perpetual semi-darkness and have learned to use it to their advantage.
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