Bukrai - D&D 5E Notes in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Bukrai - D&D 5E Notes

Much of the inspiration and details is derived from Colombia Games

The Shadow of Bukrai surrounds relics sacred to Morgath and is the animating force of the undead. It typically takes the form of an aura around an object (such as a Bukrai Blade) or powerful undead, added sensory effect onto a spell, or as a magical zone in a holy shrine or building. Occasionally it will take the form of a slow-moving mist or as a burst.


  • Shadows become larger, deeper, and darker.
  • Sounds become hollow and dull.
  • Temperature drops.
  • Irrational fear permeates.
  • The smells of decay and death are apparent.

The effects on the living from these magical zones or auras increase with the Shadow's Intensity, which can vary from 0 to 20 or sometimes higher. The power of the Shadow can ebb and flow. It is usually temporary increased after a human sacrifice or some other unholy ritual.

Any saving throw DC will be equal to the intensity of the Shadow.

Intensity Level and accumulative manifestation effects are typically as follows.

0 Minor

Spellcasting - Mostly no game effect, just a sensory modification.
Sight - Undead can see normally in magical darkness.

1 to 5 Weak

Enhanced Magic - Saving throws against spells with a Necrotic damage type are made at disadvantage. Attacks with spells with a Necrotic damage type are made at advantage.
Impeded Magic – Saving throws against spells with a Radiant damage type are made at advantage. Attacks with spells with a Radiant damage type are made at disadvantage.
Sight - Natural light sources shed only dim light.
Impeded Magic - The intensity of the Shadow decreases damage healed by Healing spells. Damage inflicted by Radiant sources is reduced by the intensity of the shadow

6 to 10 Moderate

Impeded Magic – Saving throws against spells with a Fire, Thunder, or Lighting damage type are made at disadvantage. Attacks with spells with these damage types are made at disadvantage.
Sight - Magical light sources shed only dim light.
Irrational fear – Non-worshipers of Morgath must make a wisdom saving throw or become afraid as per the fear spell when put under extreme stress or reduce to 25% of their hit points or less.
Enhance undead - Undead has advantage on all saving throws.
Life Drain – After each hour in such a Zone, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or their hit point maximum is reduced by d8 Necrotic damage.

11 to 15 Strong

Healing and Restoration spells will not function.
Life Drain – Saving throws to resist ongoing Necrotic damage must be made every 10 minutes.
Life Drain - All living creates are vulnerable to Necrotic Damage.
Enhance undead - Undead regenerates 1 hp per round and have advantage on all attacks.

16+ Overwhelming

Life Drain – Saving throws to resist ongoing Necrotic damage must be made every 1 minute.
Sight - Light spells will not function. Living creatures need Darkvision or Blindsight is required to see.
Enhance undead - Undead regenerate d8 hp per round.

Additional Notes

Any form of Holy Light will weaken the shadow however will be a beacon to any nearby undead. In full sunlight, the Intensity Level is halved.

The ritual Myvria's Kiss must be performed in a Shadow Zone with a strength of 11 or higher.

Lair Actions

In some cases, the Shadow of Bukrai acts as a lair action. This is common around unholy shrines and temples. The Liar action is not under the control of Priest of Morgath or the most powerful undead in the area. Sometimes it acts in a random manner and others with malevolent intelligence. Occasionally it may turn on worshippers of Morgath, the will of Klyss the Necromancer and Morgath can be fickle.

Liar actions can be activated when a conflict starts, randomly or occasionally when a "good" person enters the shadow.

Possible Lair Actions

Roll randomly (d20) or choose if a greater evil is paying close attention to the combat.

1 - 2 - Fear - A random living creatures must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or suffer the Fear effect. They must flee the Shadow as fast as possible in the most obvious and direct route. If there is no obvious means of escape then the character will move to the safest location they can see.

3 - Necrotic Damage - A random living creature takes 1d8 + the shadows intensity Damage. Charisma saving throw for half damage.

4 - 5 - Draining - A random living creature is drained 1d4 from a random attribute. If the target makes a saving throw of the same attribute he takes 1 point of ability damage.

6 - Spiteful Thoughts - A random living creature within melee range of a friend must make a Wisdom saving throw or use his reaction to make a melee attack.

7 - Exhaustion - A random living creature must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

8 - Boost Undead - All undead engaged in combat will gain temporary hit-points equal to the intensity Damage.

9 - Haunting - A ghost will appear and attack a random living creature.

10 - Malevolent Vision - A random living creature sees unspeakable harrows. They must save vs Intelligence or suffer 1d10 + intensity psychic damage.

11 - Bad Luck - A random living creature must make a Charisma Saving Throw or suffer the Bane effect for 1 minute.

12 - Everything Speeds Up - A random living creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or be Slowed as per the spell.

13 - Unholy Speed - 1d6 random undead are hasted for 1 minute.

14 - Claws of Death - 1d6 random undead in range of a living creature can may a fee attack.

15 - Life Transference - A random living creature is drained 1d6 + shadows intensity Hit Points which is transferred as healing to any nearby undead. Charisma saving throw to avoid.

16 - Chill - A random living creature feels a deathly chill and takes 1d8 + the shadow's intensity Cold Damage. Constitutions saving throw for half damage.

17 - Indecisive Moment - A random living creature cannot decide what to do. They are incapacitated for none round. Wisdom saving throw to avoid.

18 - Evil Twin - An illusion of yourself, but corrupted and evil, appears out of the shadows that only you can see. This has a duplicate of your full abilities and will attack you immediately after your turn. It has your armor class and saving throws, but has Hit Points equal to the intensity of the shadow. Any damage it does is psychic. The intensity of the Shadow temporarily increases by 1d4.

19 - The Shadow Grows - The intensity of the Shadow temporarily increases by 1d4.

20 - Will of Klyss - Roll again, a random worshiper of Morgath is adversely affected and the Shadow temporarily increases by 1d6.

Cover image: Morgath Header by Attacus
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