Shadow of Bukrai Physical / Metaphysical Law in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Shadow of Bukrai

Much of the inspiration and details was developed from Colombia Games information

Bukrai is a sphere of black nothingness, said to have been created by the First Gods, a black orb of primal chaos, evil, and destruction. Some say it was all that remains of these gods, their corrupted raw power, trapped but still malignant.

If this evil power were ever to be set free, it is said it will overwhelm and destroy all existence.

To look on it will rip your soul from your body, adding to its power. Great gods have gazed on it and were forever lost, except Morgath, he only lost his sanity.

Morgath now wields the dark power contained in the Bukrai, feeding it the souls of the dead, building its strength. It is said one day he will unleash it and all will be lost.

At least, so say the Priests of Morgath.

The Shadow of Bukrai, also known as the Breath of Klyss or the Shadow. It is a horrific phenomenon that surrounds unholy artifacts sacred to the God Morgath and his undead minions. It is summoned by Priests of the Lord of Chaos and Necromancers to destroy life and imbue the gift of undeath. It is Necrotic energy in most impure form.

When an undead is created, voluntarily or not, the body's soul is lost to the Bukrai, replaced with a portion of the Shadow. If the body retains its personality and free will, it becomes known as Amorvrin, free-willed undead. If the body loses its free will, it will become Gulmorvrin, an undead slave. A slain Gulmorvrin crumble into dust, gone forever. However, a slain Amorvrin will also crumble into dust, but reform in their sanctum, unless struck by a holy weapon or divine spell, but even then, nothing is certain. On its thirteen death, an Amorvrin will become a Gulmorvrin, no matter how powerful it may be.

Priests of Morgath create Gulmorvrin as part of their standard rituals. They seem to want an undead army of Skeletons, Ghouls, Zombies, and the like. Many priests and high priests of Morgath may well be Amorvrin, and sometimes the gift is passed on to others willingly and sometimes not. Generally, exposure to powerful manifestation of undead or the shadow can spontaneously create Gulmorvrin and occasionally even Amorvrin. This is the unpredictable will of Morgath or his divine agents such as Klyss, the Necromancer.


The manifestation of the Shadow of Bukrai is a tangible form of terror.

It can appear as an aura around an undead, unholy object, in unhallowed ground, in shrines and temples, and when priests cast spells or a tainted residue from spell effects. Typically;

  • Shadows become larger, deeper, and darker.
  • Sounds become hollow and dull.
  • Temperature drops.
  • Irrational fear permeates.
  • The smells of decay and death are apparent.

However, the Shadow is substantially weakened in sunlight. Most manifestations of the shadow are indoors, underground, or at night.

Myrvria, the Temptress

Morgathians have a ritual invocation, Myvria's Kiss In the presence of particularly strong manifestation Shadow of Bukrai, priests, necromancers, or powerful worshiper may summon the demon Myrvria the Temptress. Once summoned, they only have to utter the Unholy Oath, “To own myne form, when breath hath fled, shall I gift myne soul.” thirteen times and the worshiper's soul is torn from his body. If he retains his free will, he becomes an Amorvrin, otherwise a Gulmorvrin. He may exist for hundreds of years, showing little of the effects of age.

Occasionally non-worshipers will be visited by Myrvria and given the gift for reasons only known to the Lord of Chaos.

Klyss the Necromancer

Morgath's most powerful demonic servant, the feared Lord of the Gulmorvrin. He walks among mortal men and can be bargained with.

Occasionally he will teach adherents how to control the Shadow and create unholy artifacts for their use, only asking for their soul in return. He also creates undead for no other reason than to create chaos and feed his master's power.

Metaphysical, Supernatural

Articles under Shadow of Bukrai

Cover image: Morgath Header by Attacus


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