Canopic Jars in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Canopic Jars

Much of the inspiration and details were developed from Colombia Games information.

CoA Morgath, art by Columbia Games
Canopic Jars are exclusively used by the Church of Morgath to store and preserve the organs of a body which are being prepared for funeral rites and often for animation as a Gulmorvin. These organs are sometimes used in dark rituals to create magical liquids, traps, diseases, and even small undead out of insects, body parts, and small animals. Some are used to trap and contain Demonic entities or powerful curses.


Canopic Jars are made out of clay and around 5 inches to 10 inches in size, weighing 1 to 5 pounds. The lid is also clay, and they are often sealed with wax. They are usually colored brown, white, or Black (Morgath's colors) and many have incantations written in Ormauk, the Morgathic Churches secret language.

Example Canopic Jars

Jar of Animation.

Bodies of specially prepared small animals or insects are stored in these Jars and exposed to the Shadow of Bukrai. It the proper rituals are performed, then the contents may animate as an undead monstrosity. Examples include Skin Bats, Crawling Hands, and Rot Grubs.

Jar of Demonic Essence.

These well-sealed magical jars contain an entrapped, powerful demonic or undead entity. Woe betides anyone who opens it.

Jar of Transmutation.

These non-magical jars are used as a receptacle to create Acids, Potions, and Oils. The jars are filled with special components and viscera. The foul mixture is enchanted using spells and rituals, often with the sacrifice of a living creature. Example creations include Oils of Decay and Frost, Unholy Water as well as many conventional magical potions.

Oil of Decay

Potion Very Rare


A black sticky oil smells of rotting flesh.

Magical Properties:

As an action, the oil can be applied to either armor or onto a weapon.


Will give Resistance to Radiant damage for 1 hour.


The weapon will deliver an additional +1d6 Necrotic damage per hit for 1 hour.


This Oil is usually created by Priests of Morgath in Canopic Jars using dead organs, the sacrifice of a living creature and secret rituals.

Cost: Not normally available for sale


Oil of Frost

Potion Very Rare


A milky white oil, cold to touch and covered with fine ice crystals.

Magical Properties:

As an action the oil can be applied to either armor or onto a weapon.


Will give Resistance to Fire for 1 hour.


Weapon will deliver an addition +1d6 Cold damage per hit for 1 hour.

Cost: Not normally available for sale Weight: 1lbs


Cover image: by Attacus


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