Session 313 - The King is Dead

General Summary

10th to 23th of Halane 726TR

The Story So Far

The Esoteric Order of Lothrim is a secret society planning to establish a new mage-ruled empire, using orcs as foot soldiers. The heroes stand in their way.

This is the continuation of Session 312 - J'moviloc's Crucible.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – The Earldom of Qualdris

10th of Halane 726

Earl Sedris, art by Artbreeder
The adventurers have rescued the long-lost Sir Sedris Meleken, the former Earl of Qualdris, and reunited him with his wife, Lady Thilisa Melekan. As he has been missing for several years, he has been declared deceased, and his Earldom granted to his cousin. Can he get it back?

Lady Thilisa, art by Artbreeder
Sir Sedris Meleken has had a meeting with King Minigath Elendsa, and it went well. His Highness is sympathetic but will not rule on returning the Earldom of Qualdris until Sir Sedris has had an opportunity to consult with his wider family, especially Sir Sedris's cousin, the current Earl Baran Meleken. King Minigath would prefer Clan Meleken deal with this issue internally, and he would approve any reasonable proposal. However, if there was no agreement, then he will decide.

Part 2 - Mysterious Message

23th of Halane 726

Early morning on the 23 of the month, the heroes' sleep is interrupted by a knock at the door of their townhouse. On the doorstep, they find a note addressed to Valeria. It is a crudely written anonymous request to meet at the shady thieves guild tavern, the Busted Nut.

Strange Message.png

Hired Killer Hankin, art by Paizo
The party arrives at the criminal establishment before dawn and spots a familiar figure lurking at the back among the early morning workers. Hankin of Symsone, a hired killer. After a foiled assassination attempt on Rycon, Hankin was duped into believing that the sorceress Valeria now controls his soul (refer Session 300 - Moments of Honor). He must report on any hit jobs he has been employed for, in return for his soul not being destroyed.

Hankin says that a large gang of "Contractors" have arrived in the city to "Make Chaos." They have a list of people to be eliminated, and after the targets have been killed, they are to murder random townspeople. The list includes Caro of Sarl (the toymaker), Tarkor of Clerdy (the harbourmaster), Innkeeper Rosak of Kuss (of the Iron Bell Inn), Seneschal Jarvis of Rancsa (of the wizards guild), and most concerning Lady Bresyn Risai, an agent of the Order of the White Hand.

Perla, art by Artbreeder
After Hankin disappears, Dryueh confers with the owner of the Busted Nut, Perla of Rabeta. The crime lord is aware of the assassins in town. She goes to great lengths to point out that she, or the thieves' guild, is not involved in any way with what is going on. Dryueh believes her but notes that she is apprehensive. She knows something serious has happened.

Part 3 - Assassins

Lady Bresyn, art by Artbreeder
The party races to Lady Bresyn's townhouse to warn her. Five skilled killers break in through the upper-level doors and windows as the heroes arrive; one is an expert martial artist, and another is a necromancer whose magic temporarily Blinds Rycon. Rycon and Dryueh are injured but cut down several thugs, and one dies of fear from Valeria's Phantasmal Killer. Eventually, the would-be assassins are all slain.

The grateful Lady Bresyn Risai and her staff thank the heroes. Now that it appears her cover has been compromised, she decides it would be prudent to leave the city.

The party warns the seneschal of the wizards' guild, and the toymaker then rushes to save the innkeeper. Fortunately, they arrive in time to stop another assassin. Unfortunately, the harbormaster is murdered, as well as several other innocents in other parts of the city.

Part 4 - A Sad Proclamation

The city is tense, and rumors of the murders, and worse, begin to engulf the city. The response from the town guard and the castle appears surprisingly muted.

The city bells ring in the early afternoon, and a large crowd gathers in Kald Square for an announcement. The heroes join them. Many of the kingdom's nobles, most grim-faced, are also present. Sir Migray Hosath, the Lord Master Herald, sadly announces the passing of King Mingith Elendsa. The crowd is shocked and saddened, for the King was well-liked. Although the herald assures the public that a succession council will be called until then, there will be no changes. The crowd is unconvinced, and various notables spend much time dealing with a barrage of anxious and angry questions.

Meanwhile, the suspicious heroes take the opportunity to examine many of the dignitaries present. All appear genuinely concerned and saddened by the events.

Lady Erila, art by Artbreeder
Valeria's Aura Reading reveals Lady Erila Kaphin, the King's mistress and Lord Privy Seal, and Sir Koris Harabor, Marshal of the Royal Guard (one of the King's bastard sons), are grieving, distressed, and apprehensive.
Sir Koris, art by Artbreeder
Automatic Writing on Sir Koris is fascinating; the spirits take control of Valeria's hand as she scribbles on paper, revealing a sketch of an honorable knight stepping on skull masks but with crosses over his eyes. She interprets this as Sir Koris wanting to destroy the Naveah Assassin Cult and is a good, honorable man but is blind to something.

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.jpeg
Sheriff Conwan, art by Artbreeder
Rycon approaches the King's nephew and Sheriff of Semethshire, Sir Conwan Elendsa. But for an oath not to accept the crown he impetuously made as a young man so he could marry a worshiper of Sav K'nor, he would otherwise be named the likely successor. Rycon tells the Sheriff, "It is no coincidence that the King died the same morning that assassins went on a bloody rampage." The Sheriff agrees and thanks Rycon for saving Lady Bresyn's life. Rycon, who is on good terms with Sir Conwan, offers his support and learns that he will be leaving tomorrow to speak with the Archbishop of Kaldor to see if he can get his "Bloody Oath" annulled.

Princess Meliem, art by Artbreeder
Dryueh offers his superb medical services to examine the King but is politely refused. Instead, Rycon asks him to get the crowd riled up and shouting Sir Conwan's name. He gets some support, but it is far from universal. Responding to the chanting, Rycon overhears Princess Meliem Elendsa, the King's niece, and Lord High Chamberlain quips, "The people are fearful and want security."

The unhappy crowd disperses, and the heroes return home. What WILL happen now?

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Sedris Meleken - Former Earl of Qualdris.

Hankin of Symsone - the hired killer.

Lady Bresyn Risai - Order of the White Hand agent.

Sir Koris Harabor - Marshal of the Royal Guard.

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa - the King's nephew and Sheriff of Semethshire.

Lady Erila Kaphin - the King's mistress and Lord Privy Seal.

Princess Meliem Elendsa - the King's niece and Lord High Chamberlain.


Various Assassins.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

Order of the White Hand.

The Busted Nut.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L8 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L8 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L8 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer.

Next Session

Session 314 - Inconvenient Wills.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
03 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters


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