Mandriano in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil


Based on the monster presented in Creature Codex by Kobold Press.

Mandriano, art from the Creature Codex
Not long after the Morsindari or dark elves fell to the corruption of the Shadow of Bukrai, they hatched many dark schemes to destroy humanity. The Mandriano was one of their most perverted

The Morsindari sacrificed humans in defiled holy groves, then worked their blood into the soil as fertilizer. From this unhallowed ground that they grew many evil plant monstrosities. The Mandriano are among the worst, corrupted treants or trees gifted with sentience.

They stand between 8 to 10ft tall evil creatures appearing as twisted tree-like humanoids, wearing dark robes fashioned from blacken leaves. Formed from dry, tough wood makes them resistant to all but the most potent magic weapons; however, they are vulnerable to good honest fire.

Their deceptively long grasping branches or arms garb a victim and pulling them into the creature's roots which drains the essence of living creatures to feed the shadow. The corpses the raise as undead, Gulmorvin, bound and controlled by the Mandrianos who created it.

All Mandriano have the innate Psionic talent of Transference, the ability to sense and use natural magical gateways between the worlds.

Cover image: by Attacus


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