Session 028 - Diplomatic Issues Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 028 - Diplomatic Issues

General Summary

Date 8th to 13th Halane (8) 720TR (Autumn)

The story so far

Quazzy has spent months trying to infiltrate the Church of Naveh in hope to undermine their plans to summon the Greater Gytevsha Krasula. She has passed all of their tests and been given the critical mission of recovering a vitally important item currently held at Trobridge Inn.

The heroes recover the item and find that it is one of the Demigod Desridaen's legendary long-knives. The party decides to substitute the knife with another less revered weapon, one previously held and hidden by Quazzy. Unfortunately, she can't remember exactly where she hid it.

Continuation of Session 27 - Journey to Trobridge Inn.

Part 1 - Quazzy's Past.

At the Gypsy camp, Quazzy meets again with Adrianna Mironi, the Night Person Mystic asking for her help to recall her past. Adrianna's viewing sees Quazzy scared and alone fleeing enemies with a dagger. Many of these pursuers are killed by Orcs, and she sees Quazzy levitating up a waterfall, hiding the knife in a cave somewhere behind it. Adrianna believes the waterfall is on Mt Serlu a few days travel to the north. However, this is well with the range of the Orc nation of Korego.

Part 2 - Diplomatic Problems.

Sir Rayneld Ynel by Artbreeder
As the party prepares to leave Trobridge Yureb suddenly feels the irrational desire to Kill Quazzy, and he barely manages to resist this impulse. At the same time, a group of Kaldorian Knights angrily approach, they include Sir Rayneld Ynel, the King's Envoy to Trobridge and his guard Sir Friedlam Dramel. On the verge of attacking, Athena correctly believing that they were under a charm was able to defuse the situation verbally.

Quazzy takes on a magical disguise then escapes behind some nearby buildings. Stepping out of the shadows her old enemy the Beggar quickly spots Quazzy, seeing through the magical trickery and attacks. This is the same Gytevsha who escaped from the Cursed Dice months ago (Session 09) and has been interfering with the party ever since.

The heroes enter battle while Quazzy attempts to read its thoughts learning that it believes Quazzy cannot be trusted and intends to kill her and take the package back to the temple himself. The Fiend suffers from Athena's Balefire Smites and is eventually destroyed with the last of his essence burning away in the sunlight.

Athena is surprisingly able to develop a reasonably civil relationship with Sir Rayneld Ynel, who is a Larani worshiper but also a herald so is considered politically and religiously neutral.

Part 3 - Following Quazzy's Faulty Memory.

DM's Notes

As a mechanism, Quazzy must make a difficult Intelligence saving throw to represent her foggy memory. Each failed check results in significant encounters on their journey while on a success she remembers the location of the waterfall where the dagger is hidden.

Huge Wolves guard the trail north, feeding on a dead carcass and they attack immediately when they see the party. They are relatively quickly driven off.

Shorty after the Heroes enter the foothills of Mt Serlu they are set upon by a band Brown Orcs from the stronghold of Korego. The battle is close, one Orc uses blood magic to animate a spear, and the leader inspires the Orcs to fight with a bloodthirsty frenzy. Kalin is nearly killed, and the tide of the battle swings dangerously to favor the Orcs but the last minute heroics by Athena save the day.

Part 4 - At the Waterfall.

Quazzy has some flashes of memory and finds a trail winding up the mountain to a familiar waterfall. Sending her familiar up she finds a cave opening behind the waterfall and inside appears a small complex made up of Dwarven Cut stone.

But at the same time out of the fog Fey Creatures strike. These malicious little monsters, partly composed of mist, attack the player's heads forcing themselves down through their mouths and into their lungs stealing their breath and causing suffocation. Athena's Warhorse Zeva was killed, and very nearly Quazzy as well before they were dealt with.

The party climb up behind the waterfall and enter the hidden caverns.

To be continued...

Missions/Quests Completed

Destroyed the The Beggar.

Character(s) interacted with

Adrianna Mironi - Night Person Mystic and fortuneteller.

Sir Rayneld Ynel - Kaldorian Envoy.

Sir Friedlam Dramel - Sir Rayneld's Guard and Order of the Lady of Paladins Knight.

The Begger - Fiendish entity destroyed by Athena.

Monsters Overcome

A Court of Dark Whispers Gytevsha (the Beggar).

9 Direwolves.

12 Common Orc's (including 1 Champion, 1 War-Chief and 1 Blood Sorcerer).

3 Bereginyas (Evil Mist Fairies).


Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 8 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 8 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 4 Necromancer and Level 4 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
21 Apr 2019
Primary Location

Trobridge Inn

Desridian 15th Dagger

Orc's of Korego

by Attacus

NPC Companions

Kalin, art by Paizo

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Zeva, Athena's Warhorse

Cover image: Forbidden Pathways by Attacus


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