Session 036 - No Honor Among Thieves Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 036 - No Honor Among Thieves

General Summary

Date 21st Ilvin (10) 720TR (Winter)

The story so far

The heroes are investigating why the counterfeiting operation, established by Yureb's Criminal Contact Rowe in an abandoned Tin Mine, has gone silent. They have found that it is under the control of the Sons of Abbathor, a Dwarven Criminal Syndicate.

Continuation of Session 35 - Counterfeiters, Spies and Forbidden Magic.

Part 1 - The Trickster

The heroes spend a short period recovering from their last fight, and then move on exploring the mine, but are quickly ambushed. Emerging from the rocks are dwarf sized, semi-humanoid Stone Elementals, a floating Spectral Dagger and out of nowhere appeared a Dwarven Priest of Abbathor.

They soon determine that their weapons did little damage to the rock creatures and effectively no damage to the Cleric. After some careful observation, Yureb determines that the cleric is only an illusion, controlled by the real Priest who is concealed in a small alcove above the party. Once located he was promptly dispatched, and the elementals lose cohesion, crumbling into rubble while the spectral dagger and illusion faded to nothing.

Part 2 - The Interrupted Rest

After taking considerable damage from the last battle the heroes again take a short period to recover, but their rest is soon interrupted by another party of Dwarves investigating the disappearance of the Priest. The battle is furious, and Athena is severely injured, knocked back off a rock face by the impact of a deadly crossbow bolt. After the battle, the party was able to rest up afterward for an hour.

Part 3 - The Murderous Dwarves

Quazzy sends her familiar forward, avoiding the nearest passageway as she spots more dwarves further on. She observes more armed dwarven guards, several prison cells one with a young dwarven woman and another with 3 humans captives. Further down are more dwarves, one is a prisoner who is hard at work making counterfeit coins. Yureb unlocks the doors to the prison cells, helps the captives escape and uses ranged magic to sabotage some of the guard's weapons. When the alarm is raised the party attack.

The Dwarf Gang Boss was armed with an impressive repeating heavy crossbow, and it's bolted were tipped with deadly poison. Kalin is almost killed, and Lucia is struck down and killed by a well-aimed poisoned bolt. Enraged Athena attacks without mercy while Yureb is able to effectively distract the leader with illusions, preventing the enemies from coordinating. The Dwarves are eventually all killed and prisoners rescued.


Immediately after the battle ends Athena rushes to her squire Lucia and calls on her god Agrik to return her to life. The revivification rituals envelopes Lucia with flames, burns away the poison, heals some injuries, and she breathes once more.

The heroes restore the counterfeiting operation and learn that a chamber they avoided initially is full of rotting fungi and decaying matter. It also the home of huge insect creatures to which the heroes feed the dead dwarven bodies.

Rewards Granted

The heroes claim a small windfall in coins, armor, gems and tradable goods.

Significant Items include

3 Heavy Crossbows.

A Repeating Heavy Crossbow, superior quality (with a chamber for 6 shots).

3 Jars of Corruption Jelly.

3 Bottles of Ulha's Oil.

5 Bottles of Eye-of-Dwarf.

3 Bottles of Eye-of-Elf.

2 Potions of Healing.

A Potion of Firebreath.

An Arcane Spell scroll (Chill Touch, Expeditious Retreat and Protection from Evil).

Missions/Quests Completed

Saved the counterfeiting operation from the Sons of Abbathor.

Rescued Doulgak and Jalmaere Inkonos.

Used Revify on Lucia.

Character(s) interacted with

Doulgak Inkonos, Dwarven engraver hired to repair the Coin Stamps and is daughter Jalmaere.

The Sons of Abbathor captured him and his daughter and forced him to work in their operation.

Enemies Overcome

7 Minor Earth Elementals.

1 Priest of Abbathor (Trickery Domain).

2 Dwarven Axe-Throwers.

3 Dwarven Crossbow Experts.

3 Dwarven Veteran Warriors.

2 Dwarven Thieves.

1 Gang Boss, a Mastermind Thief with a Superior quality Repeating Heavy Crossbow.

They also avoided a battle with 4 Carrion Crawlers.

Related Reports

Sons of Abbathor - Dwarven criminal gang.

Stimulants - Updated

Enhancers - Updated.

Item Quality.


Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 10 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 10 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 5 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
16 Jun 2019

NPC Companions

Kalin, art by Paizo

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder


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