Session 096 - The Wreak and the Turtle
General Summary
20th and 21th of Larane (Second Month of Summer) 722TR
The story so far
Athena has conquered the Barony of Ithiko and now rules as its Constable. The rebellion against King Chafin III of Rethem continues.
The continuation of Session 95 - Killing Your Betrothed.
Location - Castle of Ithiko in the Kingdom of Rethem.
Part 1 - Bad and Good Luck
The Heroes meet with the Earl of Tormau, the leader of the rebellion, at Ithiko Castle. He informs them that he has been secretly corresponding with the Earl of Techn. To date, Techen has agreed to delay his entry into the war as long as possible, hoping the conflict will be decided before he is forced to intervene. This coded letter was sent on a neutral merchant ship hidden inside a bottle of wine. The Companions of Roving Doom seized the vessel, and by bad luck, confiscated the wine. The drunken Companions at Arketh Castle discovered the note; however, Tormau's spies report that it has not been decoded.
If this message were to be deciphered by the King, the Earl of Techen, whose lands are directly threatened by Royal forces, would have no choice but to take a more active part in the war, on the King's side, or be declared a rebel.
The Companions sent the message by ship to the King, but luckily, a freak storm may have wreaked the Vessel on the coast along Boka Bay. Tormau's spies say that the Companions have dispatched search parties to recover the letter. The Earl would like Athena to lead a salvage mission and get to the document first. The Utcin Korbora barbarians who live in the nearby marsh are allied with Tormau and may be willing to help.
Location - Hohban Marshes and Boka Bay in the Kingdom of Rethem.
Part 2 - Heads on Spikes
Yureb quickly leads the Party between the enemy-held baronies of Arketh and Zaza evading patrols into the Horham Marshes and Boka Bay.
They soon find a grim spectacle if four Companions of Roving Doom warriors head on spikes. As they approach, Quazzy falls into one of the ingeniously disguised poisoned spiked pit traps. A warning from the locals (the Kubora Barbarians).
Part 3 - Roasting the Barbarian
Later the day, the Heroes see that the Companions of Roving Doom are exacting revenge. They have captured a Kubora Warrior and slowly roasting him over a fire. He does not have long to live; only his anger seems to be keeping him alive.
The party attempts to sneak up of the four Light Calvary, four Medium Knights, and led by a Heavy Knight. They make too much noise and are detected. Although the Heavy Knight puts up a reasonable defense, he and most of his men are killed; however, a few escape. The Barbarian is near death but refuses all offers of healing. He wants to use the pain and scars as a reminder to focus his hate against the soft Southerners. He seems intent on joining some grand Kuboran alliance to exact revenge against the soft civilized lands.
He is aware that a ship has wreaked along the coast during the storm. The Heroes decide to rest for the night and investigate the next morning.
Part 4 - Qavontysis, the Sea Devil
The next day the Heroes arrive at a small cove and spot a recent shipwreck. Suspicious, they carefully approach.
A gargantuan turtle-like monster emerges from the sea and breathes a jet of scalding hot steam onto Quazzy and Yureb. Worst, this stream hangs in the air causing additional trauma. The Heroes attempt to back off, but the Dragon Turtle is too fast, knocking Yureb to the ground with a sweep of his tail then stomping on him with an enormous flipper. The creature's breath weapon blasts Athena and Lucia before they can come to assist. Things look grim. Athena attacks with a series of devastating Balefire enhanced attacks while Yureb strikes with precision attacks from range.
Although severely injured, the Heroes start to gain the upper hand. Then the Turtle crushes Athena to the ground then sends her flying with a bash from its tail. It retreats into the water blasting and very nearly kills Quazzy with vindictive parting breath weapon. Hovering near death, Quazzy is saved by Yureb's quick application of a Healing Potion.
Searching the wreak, the Heroes find a strongbox with the coded message. They return to Castle Ithiko, somewhat burnt, but mission successful.
To be continued....
NPC Interactions
Aplach - the Kuboran warrior.Challenges Overcome
Defeated 4 Roving Doom Light Calvary, 4 Roving Doom Medium Knights, and 1 Champion.
Survived an attack by the Dragon Turtle Qavontysis.
Created Content
Qavontysis, Sea-Demon of Boka Bay.Related Reports
Earl Denyl Lynnaeus - The Earl of Tormau.
Players Character Status
Athena the Banshee - Level 15 Paladin of Vengeance.
Yureb - Level 15 Arcane Trickster.
Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 10 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.
NPC Companion
Companions of Roving Doom
The King of Rethems Bully Boys. A highly mobile small Army consisting of Light and Medium Calvary with warships and excellent Marines.