Session 137 - A Warlord's Anger Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 137 - A Warlord's Anger

General Summary

8th to 10th Kelen (Third month of Spring) 723TR

The story so far

Acheron has undertaken a quest to recover the Shield of Saint Andrada, likely in possession of Clan Sherwyn in the Kingdom of Orbaal. The heroes have boarded a merchant ship to Sherwyn.

The continuation of Session 136 - Storm in the Mountains.

Location - Sherwyn Castle in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 1 - Port of Sherwyn

On the short sea voyage to Sherwyn, the Heroes question the ship's Captain Kalv. He has little respect or liking for Clan Sherwyn. They are the worst type of Pirates. He speculates what he thinks is the Sherwyn military strength and thinks that a rebellion is likely at some point in the very near future. The Sherwyn' s Valhakar (clanhead), Venril Sherwyn, is despised and unstable. He has a foul temper killing many who anger him. Captain Kalv is forced to trade at their port; otherwise, he will have to pay an exorbitant toll as he travels through their waters. He will be leaving in 3 days after collecting a salt shipment, and the Heroes are welcome to join him.

At the Port, the Heroes take on the identity of dye merchants seeking to scout new markets. They hire a young man Gwyndain as a translator and start interviewing the locals, hoping to eventually gain access to the Keep. The Keep is on a small rocky island overlooking the township.

Part 2 - The Witch

Gerdeen the Witch, art by Artbreeder
The Party visits the macabre house of the village Witch Gerdeen Clannam. This ancient Jarinese crone makes love potions and reads futures and is respected and feared by all. Many believe she has powerful magical abilities. She has no interest in the heroes' dyes but offers to divine their future. Sabretooth and Avon take her up on her offer. She uses a golden bowl filled with water to make her soothsaying.

Sabretooth - She sees a "double-headed snake of shadow at his command, claiming souls for his god." The Witch seems to know more about Sabretooth than she lets on. Avon is annoyed, thinking this reading should apply to him. He recalls that his disgraced Uncle, who may have been up to some dark deeds, has a Coat of Arms of a two-headed serpent.

Avon - Gerdeen has little patience or interest in Avon, seeing only "betrayal, betrayal, and only more betrayal."

Gerdeen agrees to make a sleeping draught for the party and ominously warns them to trust no one.

Part 3 - The Plot

Welrys Sherwyn, art by Artbreeder
After meeting with a range of potential customers for the fictitious colorants, the party meets with Welrys Sherwyn, the Valhakar's cousin. It soon becomes clear he has something else in mind other than trade. He wants his cousin dead.

Avon is offered 15 gold crowns and a lucrative business agreement to perform the deed. Welrys suggests they poison the Keeps water supply; however, Acheron is too honorable for such an underhanded deed and comes up with an alternative plan. Welrys will organize a meeting with the Valhakar where he will enrage him and challenge him to single combat. Compulsion magic may be involved.

Part 4 - The Best Type of Negotiation

The next day Welrys drops the Heroes off at the Keep, and a guard directs them towards the Valhakar's hall.

Venril Sherwyn, art by Artbreeder
Valhakar Venril Sherwyn is a thoroughly unpleasant man, but the Heroes have caught him on a good day. They have to work to put him in a bad mood. The keep hall is small and on its roof hang various battle trophies, weapons, pendants, and shields, including the Shield of Saint Andrada.

Acheron is masterful, baiting the Valhakar, slowly souring his mood. The Valhakar loses his temper, snaps, and demands the removal of Acheron's hand. Acheron attempts to entice him into single combat, adding a little magic (Compel Duel). However, the enraged Viking Lord is unaffected by the magic and orders the visitors' death, and he and his guard's attack.

In the close confines of the hall, a brutal melee erupts. The Valhakar and his guards prove to be more than able warriors. Badly battered, the Heroes emerge victoriously and quickly loot the area before the remaining guard's rally. Acheron removes the Shield of Saint Andrada from the roof and replacing it with the replica he had commissioned. Sabretooth searches the room for magic and finds the blue gemmed necklace on the Valhakar. Avon being more practical, quickly opens a locked chest in the adjacent room finding a small fortune in gems, gold crowns, and jewelry.

As they were leaving the Keep, they are confronted by Welrys Sherwyn and a hastily assembled band of warriors. Welrys and his men seem intent on dealing with these assassins, apparently "forgetting" the agreement be made yesterday. The Heroes heroically bluff their way past them. They look too dangerous to mess with. Anyway, Welrys Sherwyn has other plans. He generously agrees to let the Heroes leave while he makes plans to become the Lord of Sherwyn. The Heroes immediately depart on Captain Kalv's half-loaded merchant ship they arrived in.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

Kalv - Captain of a Merchant Vessel.

Gwyndain - Translator.

Gerdeen Clannam - The Witch.

Welrys Sherwyn.

Valhakar Venril Sherwyn - The Lord of Sherwyn.

Challenges Overcome

Acheron Recovered the Shield of St Andrada.

Killed the Lord of Sherwyn and a number of his Thugs.


The Shield of St Andrada.

Necklace of Frostballs.

A small fortune in gems, gold crowns, and jewelry.

Created Content

The Shield of St Andrada.

Related Reports

Saint Andrada.

Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - L6 Paladin, L4 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz, and L1 Divine Soul Sorcerer.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - L7 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, L3 Monk, and L1 Druid.

Avon - Half-Elf - L11 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
04 Apr 2021

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Ringo, art by Attacus

Clan Sherwyn

Caln Sherwyn, art by Columbia Games

Magic Items

Shield of Saint Andrada

Andrada's Shield, art by Attacus

+1 Magical Shield.

The wielder and anyone within 5ft of the wielder have Resistance to Necrotic Damage.

Any magical effect which would diminish healing from the wielder, such as the Shadow of Bukrai, is negated.

If the wielder can Turn Undead he gains an extra use of this ability once power once per short rest.

The wielder can use the Word of Radiance Cantrip as a bonus action 5 times per day.

This is the Shield of Saint Andrada Alarie, the Knight of the Shadows, and the founder of the Hârnic chapter of the Argent Order. This artifact was lost over 40 years ago.

Necklace of FrostBalls

This silver necklace has blue-white gemstones.

This item functions as per a Necklace of Fireballs except the Fireballs are Cold Damage. This Necklace has 6 Gems.

Cover image: by Attacus


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