Session 136 - Storm in the Mountains Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 136 - Storm in the Mountains

General Summary

1st to 7th Kelen (Third month of Spring) 723TR

The story so far

Acheron has undertaken a quest to recover the Shield of Saint Andrada, likely in possession of Clan Sherwyn in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Sabretooth also has a personal quest. In Geldeheim is a temple of Ilvir which has been seized by Agrikian. He believes there may be a magical artifact, a Horn of Summoning, still hidden in the warren of caverns adjoining the temple.

The continuation of Session 135 - The Proclamation.

Location - Fur Road North of Castle Leriel in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 1 - Flying Vermin

The Heroes make their way along the last and most dangerous section of the Fur Road, the mountain pass between Geldeheim and Leriel.

Yelgri, art by Attacus
After a couple of days of arduous travel, they hear a low rumble, and a rock slide engulfs them. Most of the Heroes avoid the worst except Avon, who leaps to protect Moneypenny but is buried in the avalanche for his valor. This is not a natural event. The rockslide was started by a flock of Yélgri who swoop in from above during the chaos. Nevertheless, the Heroes battle these vermin before and slay several before they are driven off.

As Sabretooth digs Avon out of his confinement, it quickly becomes evident that the Yélgri were not running from the Heroes, they were fleeing much more formidable foes, two chimera. The creatures, a bizarre amalgam of horse and eagle, swooped down upon the fleeing Yelgri and the party.  A quick, savage fight erupts, the smaller Hippogriff is slain, and Sabretooth leaps onto the back of the larger beast. He plummets the ground as the Heroes ranged attacks kill it.

Part 2 - The Storm

Veximath, art by Paizo
The next few days are uneventful; however, something large and very dangerous is stalking them. The great Blue Dragon Veximath appears out of nowhere, breathing an arch of lighting on the Heroes. Avon, Acheron, and Sabretooth are in a fight for their lives, and only Acheron isn't cowed or shaken by the Dragons' terrifying form.

The battle is as closes as any of the Heroes have fought, Sabretooth and Avon were near death, and Acheron was forced to use every trick his Goddess and Patron has taught him. Nearing the end of his strength, Acheron manages to strike hard enough to puncture the dragon's tough scales, with a roar the injured dragon at last retreats from the field, much to the relief of the beleaguered Heroes. If the dragon had pressed the engagement, it could have gone either way; however, Veximath has lived for hundreds of years and was unwilling to risk it all for a mere meal.

Location - Castle of Geldeheim in the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Part 3 - Scouting the Temple of the Warrior Women.

The Heroes emerge from the mountain pass and quickly make their way to Geldeheim. They decide to keep a low profile over the three days they have to wait before embarking on a merchant ship bound for Sherwyn. Avon spends his time discretely gathering as much information as they can on the local temple of Agrik.

  • It has 4 full priestesses of the female-only Order of Kukshin plus 4 Acolytes.
  • One of the Priestesses seduced the former King Alegar I Taareskeld over 20 years ago and has a son, Methgar Akarne. Methgar has a claim to the throne.
  • The current King, Alegar II Taareskeld, is a supporter of this church, and his castle is nearby.
  • The Temple is guarded by 6 Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer warriors.
  • It has living quarters for the Priestess on the surface and an underground ceremony room accessible from the living rooms, and a "swamp" door.
  • The Temple was originally dedicated to Ilvir, was seized by the Agrikians 20 years ago, with King Alegar I's approval.
  • The only surviving priest is Finnjon the Bent, who was an acolyte when the Temple was lost. He is now the village apprentice embalmer.
  • The Temple purchases its food from the market square, usually by an acolyte.
  • Also, there are rumors that the swamp doors to the temple were found open last week. Some say a swamp creature entered the Temple or the adjoining underground passages.

The Heroes plan to return to Geldeheim and investigate the Temple after completing their mission in Sherwyn.

To be continued...

NPC Interactions

The Dragon Veximath.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated 10 Yélgris.

Killed 2 Hippogriffs.

Survived and drove off the Blue Dragon Veximath.

Gathered significant information on the Temple of Agrik.


20 Hippogriff feathers can be used to make quality arrows.

Created Content

Veximath, the Storm

Related Reports

Yélgri - the Hârnic Harpy.

Order of Kukshin.

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

Player Character Status

Acheron - Human - L6 Paladin, L4 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz, and L1 Divine Soul Sorcerer.

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - L7 Ivashu Lord Barbarian, L3 Monk, and L1 Druid.

Avon - Half-Elf - L11 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
28 Mar 2021

NPC Companions


Avon's able assistant

Moneypenny 4.jpeg

Moneypenny, art by Artbreeder


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Ringo, art by Attacus

Clan Taareskeld

Royal Family of the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Clan Taareskeld, by Columbia Games

Order of Kukshin.

A female only clerical Order of Agrik Worshipers.

Order of Kukshin, art by Columbia Games

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

A female only Knights Order.

Crimson Dancer CoA

by Columbia Games

Cover image: by Attacus


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