Session 151 - Webs and Dark Magic Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 151 - Webs and Dark Magic

General Summary

30th Kelen (Third Month of Spring) 723TR

The story so far

The Kingdom of Rethem is engulfed in a bloody civil war with the heroes fighting on the side of the rebels led by the Earl of Tormau. They have successfully discovered King Chafin III war plans, and now they have to return that information home.

But first, Dark Elves or the Morsindari have committed atrocities and are hiding in a nearby spider-infested cave complex. The heroes accompanied by an old friend Kimar Brynn plan to eliminate this threat.

The continuation of Session 149 - Spiders of Doom.

Location - Quarien Forest in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 1 - The Underground Stream

The Heroes proceed further into the cave complex and enter a large chamber with an underground stream running through it. This would otherwise be a beautiful sight; however, parts of the water are discolored by greasy yellow oily smears.

Quazzy's magical enhanced vision spots a figure, a Dark Elf hiding behind some old crates located at the far end. Soon a battle erupts. Three disgusting yellow slime pillars with single large eyeballs and tentacles emerge from the underground stream. These Demons can take the forms of giant spiders and attractive Dark Elf Women at will and summon hoards of giant spiders. These Yochlol Demons attack with poisonous touches and mind domination magic.

The spiders mob the party and entangle Kimar in the webs while darkness, conjured by the Dark Elf Shadow Blade, blinds the heroes. Quazzy charmed Black Orcs are initially confused as to who to fight but eventually are convince to attack the spiders and shape changers; however, they could not be persuaded in any way to attack the Dark Elf. Briefly, Quazzy loses control over one of the Orcs, which starts attacking the party, but she quickly regains control at the last moment.

The Shadow Blade and the Yochlol Demons are eventually slain. As the demons die, they turn into piles of yellow slime, and the spiders they had summoned disappear. As a result of this chaotic flight, the hero's physical and magical resources are badly depleted.

Part 2 - The Spiders Counter Attack

Hurt, the heroes prepare for a short rest to bind their wounds, but the inhabitants of the next cave do not give them any respite.

More gigantic spiders emerge followed by a Dark Elf woman with a strange headband and spherical black rock cracking with green energy in her hands. She nearly encases the party in spider-infested webs, and Yureb needed to use every trick in his repertoire to avoid his life force from being drained from multiple curses. The elf woman then turns invisible, avoiding reprisals.

The Arachnomancer orders the Black Orcs to turn on the party, ignoring Quazzy instructions, and they attack Lucia. She quickly dispatches one but is nearly beaten to a pulp and is forced to throw the other down into a crevasse to buy some time. As the Elf woman reappears, attempting to finish off Yureb with some dark magic spell, Athena closes and hits her hard. She responds with another lifedraining curse, this time on Athena, who is temporarily weakened, making her miss a vital sword strike at exactly the wrong time. Luckily Yureb finishes the Dark Elf off with a superbly placed strike with his enchanted sword Echo before she can inflict any more damage.

Part 3 - Aftermath

The heroes take a moment to rest and recover, then begin searching for loot. Hidden under a series of crates, they find an enchanted brooch constructed from black stone, shaped to look like a spider. The Dark Elf woman's headband and the mysterious black-green orb are furthermore found to be potent magical items. They also find an alchemy laboratory filled with strange chemicals, drugs, and poisons.

Kimar, using his expert knowledge of the forests and his friendships with the local barbarian tribes, guides the party back to Tormau quickly and safely. Now the Earl of Tormau, equipped with King Chafin III secret war plans, now begins planning for what may well prove to be the pivotal battle of the civil war.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Kimar Brynn, Bounty Hunter.

Challenges Overcome

1 Drow Shadow Blade and 3 Yochlol Demons.

1 Drow Arachnomancer and 6 Giant Spiders.

The heroes delivered King Chafin's War Plans.


Broach of Auspicious Spider.

Orb of Leaching.

Circlet of Green Flame.

Masterwork Alchemy Laboratory.

Related Reports



Barasi Points - Holy Groves - Updated.

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 19 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 19 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 14 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
06 Jun 2021

NPC Companion

Dame Lucia Kalormar, Athena's Aid

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Kimar Brynn, Bounty Hunter

Kimar Brynn

Kimar, art by Artbreeder

Magic Items Discovered

Brooch of Auspicious Spider

A spider-shaped decorative brooch crafted from Jet and black crystals. Wearing this amulet tends to lead to even better luck for those who are already lucky. Once per day while wearing this amulet, whenever you roll a critical hit on a creature, you have advantage on the next attack roll, skill check, or saving throw you make within 1 minute.

Orb of Leaching

Requires attunement by a wizard or sorcerer

An orb with swirling sickly green energy spells channeled with this orb can weaken a creature. You add +3 to Necromancy saving throw DC’s, spell attack, and damage rolls.

Once per day, when you damage a creature with a spell, you can use a bonus action to cause them to suffer a -1d10 penalty to attack and saving throw rolls until the end of their next turn.

You must be holding on to this item to gain these effects.

Circlet of Green Flame

Requires attunement

This gold circlet with a green crystalline gem causes spells to race through your mind quickly. Once per day, while wearing this circlet, you can cast a spell as a bonus action that would normally require an action to cast.


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