Session 217 - A Dagger in the Dark Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 217 - A Dagger in the Dark

General Summary

1st of Halane (Second Month of Autumn) 724TR

The story so far

Jolanta, and her trusty bodyguard Blaine, are agents of the mysterious Order of the White Hand, hunting down unscrupulous mages and covering up magical mishaps.

This is the continuation of Session 214 - Sands of Life .

Location - City of Tashal, Kingdom of Kaldor .

Part 1 - Visitors to the Smithy

Early one evening of guild business, Jolanta visits one of the new weaponsmiths in the city, a Jmorvi (metal and artificer wizard) named Berlon Cirkley. The meeting is fruitful, with the hard-working craftsman working with his apprentice working into the night when suddenly, the shadows in the workshop lengthen. Out of nowhere, the shadows attack, primarily targeting Jolanta. Jolanta recalls from her training; these are likely Gytevsha, invisible fiendish minions of the god Naveh and his agents. Jolanta, aided by Berlon, resist the shadows destroying them with sorcery; however, the good smith is touched by a shadowy hand, falling to the ground in shock. Jolanta is exhausted.

As the young apprentice aids his master, Jolanta spots a wicked-looking dagger embedded in a table across the room. This wasn't there before, and the dagger has Jolanta's name engraved on one side. Standing next to the dagger, unnoticed until now, Jolanta sees a man dressed in black wearing a skull mask. A Navehan Assassin. Having successfully intimidated the young wizard, he picks up the dagger and advances menacingly.

Jolanta uses every trick in her magical playbook but is limited from using her devastating area of effect spells due to the potential damage they may cause to the environment and nearby innocents. Feeling dizzy from many inflamed wounds, her perseverance finally pays off. She spots the opportunity to magically ensnare the Assassin with a Grasping Hand. While he attempts to escape, she repeatably blasts him with energy rays. Badly wounded disappears in a flash of blinding light.

Part 2 - On the Run

Jolanta sends the weaponsmith's apprentice to the local taverns to find her trusty bodyguard Blaine. He arrives, sword in hand, twenty minutes later, not too drunk.

Not wanting to let the assassin escape, Jolanta casts Locate Object, searching for that distinctive dagger with her name on it. The Assassin, or at least his blade, is somewhere in the city's eastern districts. Jolanta and Blaine follow the magical trail.

In a dark alleyway, Jolanta senses that he is close and suddenly shallowly forms an attack again, more Gytevsha in the shape of hounds. The Assassin is hidden on the roof. Blaine is almost killed by the Assassin's poison and the shadowy figures. As he falls unconscious, Jolanta blasts the Assassin with her remaining offensiveness spells. The Assassin is badly wounded and again flees in a flash of light. He has had enough for tonight; next time, he will attack suitably prepared to deal with this troublesome mage.

Jolanta recalls learning about the Navehan Dezenaka ritual in her studies. This always involves a blood sacrifice; sometimes, a victim is "selected," which must be carried out within a month. Jolanta believes if the Assassin fails to kill the victim, he must commit ritual suicide.

After consulting with her mentor, Lady Bresyn Risai, Jolanta decides to flee the city. Too many innocent bystanders are at risk. She will return to the Kingdom of Melderyn, taking a shortcut via the mysterious Earthmaster Site of Telumar.

Hopefully, the Assassin will not be able to track her.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Berlon Cirkley - Weapon smith and his apprentice.

Lady Bresyn Risai - Jolanta's White Hand Contact.

Challenges Overcome

Escaped 1 x Navehan Assassin.

Destroyed 7 x Gytevsha.

Created Contact

Various Foundry VTT spells are below.

Related Reports

Order of the White Hand.


Navehan Priests and Assassins - Major Updates.

Lesser Gytevsha.

Player Character Status

Jolanta - Human - Level 11 Evoker.

Agents of the White Hand - Campaign Complete
Report Date
21 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

NPC Companions


Jolanta's loyal and often drunk bodyguard.

Blaine, art by Artur Sadlos

Assassins of Naveh

A death cult.

by Columbia Games

Various Foundry VTT spells for Navean Assassin

Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
L4 - Gekrish’s Guiding Hand 120222.PNG
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus
Navehan Spell Foundry VTT, by Attacus

Cover image: White hand, art by Attacus by Attacus


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