Session 317 - The Wardrobe Under The Well Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 317 - The Wardrobe Under The Well

General Summary

29th to 30th of Halane 726TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead. King Minigath, after ruling well for thirty-three years, has died, and the power struggle as to who will succeed him has started. Meanwhile, in the background, the nefarious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

The heroes have been asked by Lady Erila Kaphin to investigate Dalmelin Manor, a village frequented by the sinister Lady Gwaderia. Then, they intend to visit Minarsas Castle and speak with Earl Caldeth and stop her son, Sir Tulath Kaphin, from doing anything foolish.

This is the continuation of Session 316 - Shocking Revelations.

Location - Dalmelin Manor in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

29th Halane 726

Part 1 - A Strange Archway

The heroes continue their exploration of the caverns under Dalmelin Village well. This is a dangerous location. The mysterious Lady Gwaderia has prepared many guards and magical traps. Loose barrels hide aggressive, mind-bending slimes. The confused Valeria attacks the party, causing an unnecessary distraction, while Rycon and Dryueh destroy the vicious Oozes.

The main chamber is protected by a fiendish array of magical poison gas traps and a powerful air elemental. This brutal monster uses its compressed air blasts to push the heroes into the poisonous gas clouds, very nearly killing Valeria's pet Shadow Hound. It is éventually destroyed, nearly leaving the heroes exhausted, only to be swamped by strange acid-spiting insects.

Part 2 – The Wardrobe

With the guardians eliminated, the party finds a strange stone archway, an alchemical workshop, and a large wardrobe. The wardrobe contains collections of female clothing, with many changes of clothes, notable those of a noble, merchant, and dirty robes of a cleric of the god Ilvir. These must be identities used by the elusive Lady Gwaderia. The party makes slight adjustments to the clothing hemlines, which will hopefully enable them to identify Lady Gwaderia in disguise.

They find a collection of mind-control spell scrolls and potions in the alchemy lab. Valeria identifies the archway to be a magical node. If used correctly, a spellcaster can massively extend the range of a magical transportation spell such as Translocation. This could easily allow a powerful wizard to appear anywhere for miles, including in the nearby City of Tashal, possibly as far as Kiban Castle.

Before the heroes leave the well, Dryueh examines the magical traps that the party expertly avoided. He carefully repositions one trap along a safe path. Hopefully, this will catch out Lady Gwaderia or one of her agents next time they visit.

30th of Halane 726

Location - Minarsas Castle in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 - The Earl of Vemion

The party races to Minarsas Castle, arriving an hour before dusk.

Earl Decaen, art by Artbreeder
The busy Sir Declaen Caldeth, the Earl of Vemion, meets with them and listens intently as they explain the recent confused political events. He tells the party that he advised Lady Erila's son, Sir Tulath Kaphin, to stay in his keep, but the young man was insistent on traveling to Tashal to attend his father's funeral and press his claim to the throne. It did not go well, and Sir Declaen has just received word that he and his entourage were stopped near Sirendel Keep, and Sir Tulath was taken into custody by Sheriff Ranal Gybsen.

Sir Declaen thanks the heroes for their insight on recent events and personally thanks them for reuniting his daughter, Lady Thilisa Meleken, with her long-missing husband, the former Earl Sedris Meleken (refer Session 312 - J'moviloc's Crucible). He mentions that Sir Sedris will have some difficulty regaining his Earldom. Sir Malden Harabor has agreed to confirm the current Earl, Sir Beran Meleken, in this post in return for his support in the current succession crisis.

Sir Declaen also comments that he has also just received a message that Sir Conwan Elendsa has been defeated at the Battle of Heru, failing in his attempt to ambush the army of Sir Malden Harabor and prevent him from reinforcing the garrison holding the city of Tashal. Sir Malden now controls the kingdom's largest city and has access to the royal treasury. "A very confusing situation," he comments.

When asked who the Earl favors for King, he will abide by any decision of the succession council but would give his support behind Sir Orsin Firith, Baron of Kobing, Lord Marshal of Oselmarch, and the former king's nephew if asked. "Sir Orsin does not indulge in petty politics and is a proven military commander who has defended the kingdom's southern borders against the Pagaelin Barbarians with distinction."

The party decides what to do next. After a quick visit to meet with Sir Orsin at Firith Kobing Keep, they plan to rescue the much respected Constable Haldare Venera from the dungeon cell in the City of Tashal.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Declaen Caldeth - Earl of Vemion.


2 x Id Oozes.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

The Council of Eleven.

Dyalne Dulye.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L9 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L9 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L9 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 318 - Rescue Mission.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
24 Oct 2023

Clan Caldeth

A wealthy ancient clan that has risen to prominence over the last century. Sir Declaen Caldeth has an outstanding reputation as a hard-working manager of his estates.


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