Session 312 - J'moviloc's Crucible Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 312 - J'moviloc's Crucible

General Summary

5th of Halane 726TR

The Story So Far

The Esoteric Order of Lothrim is a secret society planning to establish a new mage-ruled empire, using orcs as foot soldiers. The heroes stand in their way.

The adventurers are seeking out J'moviloc, a genie. Legends describe that the genie is partial to music and may reward a skilled performer with weapon enchantments. Unfortunately, J'moviloc's Crucible is guarded by a fearsome creature, Xulzret the Dracolisk.

This is the continuation of Session 311 - Broken Statues.

Location - Hills Southeast of Kobing Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – Xulzret the Dracolisk

The heroes have discovered a cave entrance surrounded by a garden of broken statues, victims of Xulzret the Dracolisk, one of the half-breed offspring of the infamous dragon Blackfang. They send Dryueh sneaking into the cave ahead, with the remaining party members following, hopefully, a safe distance behind.

The cave is a dark, damp maze filled with broken statues and debris. Dryueh creeps through a thin passage and notices a large black reptilian form in the distance. The Dracolisk is the size of a large horse, dragon-like in shape, with six legs and wings that seem too small to enable sustained flight. Freezing and controlling his heart rate, Dryueh goes unnoticed. The bad-tempered lizard hears the other characters, moves past the hidden Dryueh, and vomits acid through the tight passage. Valeria fails to dodge and is nearly dissolved but envelopes the monster in a sphere of Darkness and moves out of the Dracolisk's line of sight, hoping that it will attempt to squeeze through the narrow passage and be trapped. Unfortunately, it backs off.

The heroes have only a moment to consider options as the half-dragon emerges from a side passage and blasts the heroes with acid again. Valeria, her Shadow Hound, and Ricard are caught in its malevolent gaze and feel their bodies begin to freeze up. Valeria turns Rycon Invisible, but he is badly mauled, and Dryueh's strikes from behind fail to scratch the monster. Only a heroic effort prevents him from being petrified. Eventually, Rycon finds a weak point in the creature's armored hide and slashes with his katana, causing severe damage. It strikes back, nearly eviscerating the knight, but Dryueh spots an opening and stabs the Dracolisk in its side, penetrating its heart and instantly killing it.

Part 2 – The Missing Earl

Earl Sedris, art by Artbreeder
Aware that the Dracolisk's blood will remain potent for only a few hours, they set about draining the corpse of as much as possible and splattering it over the treasures they have found and, more importantly, the statue of Earl Sedris Meleken, long lost nobleman. Stone turns to flesh, and the man is revived, screaming in pain as he notices half his hand has broken off. Dyueh is well prepared, stemming the bleeding, and applies some degree of pain relief. He prevents the nobleman from dying of shock.

The Earl is not in any shape to be moved or fight, so after a brief conversation and ensuring the wounded man is in a safe location, the heroes enter the cave network again to seek out J'moviloc.

Part 3 - The Genie

Further in the underground complex ends in a large chamber occasionally lit by brief flashes of light with the smell of ozone. What looks like metal protrusions, roughly shaped like giant anvils, merged with the floor. Suddenly, aggressive metallic orbs dart forward. They generate strong metallic fields, zap the heroes with electricity, and attempt to seize their metal equipment magnetically. Ricard starts playing his enchanted lute while Syliva immediately begins singing among the chaos. The orbs are soon smashed and fall to the ground as broken wreaks.

Then, out of the metal protrusions, a huge figure emerges formed from liquid metal, J'moviloc's the Zuhra (a genie from the elemental plane of metal). The surface of the vaguely feminine form vibrates in time with the music. She is well pleased with the composition and is willing to converse. She offers a greeting telepathically, and the alien entity is more than willing to reward the heroes for the Gift of Music.

J'moviloc is fascinated by Dryueh, falling to his flattery, and is very generous. He plunges his rapier into the genie's metallic form, and when it pulls it out, he notes that the blade is now deadly sharp (gaining the Wounding property). Cracks in Rycon's armor are also sealed, and the metal is hardened. Satisfied, J'moviloc conjures the party with a few interesting nonmagical trinkets before returning to her home plane after agreeing to assist them in the future, provided they bring exceptional music. Her home realm has none, only the sound of clanging metal.

Part 4 - The Earl's Decision

The characters return to the surface and give Earl Sedris time to recover his strength. They advise that he should travel directly to the City of Tashal with the heroes, and confer with the king rather than potentially confront his cousin Earl Baran who has legally claimed his home Castle of Qualdris. He agrees, and the heroes decide to locate his long-lost wife. Fortunately, Ricard, who is up-to-date on the latest gossip among the nobles of the realm, is sure that in the Earl's absence, Lady Thilisa has not remarried, which delights Sir Sedris.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Earl Sedris Meleken.

J’moviloc’s the Zuhra.


Xulzret the Dracolisk.

4 x Living Lodestone.


Various gems, coins, Eyes of the Eagle, and a scroll.

They also have various Dracolisk body parts.

Dryueh rapier gained the Wounding properties, and Rycon's armor was improved.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports


Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L8 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L8 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L8 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer.

Next Session

Session 313 - The King is Dead.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
26 Sep 2023

NPC Bard Companions

Ricard of Thirlwell

Ricard, art by Paizo

A bard with a horrendous voice but a much more talented lute player. Rumor has it that a former lover has gifted him a magical lute.

Sylvia the Fair

Sylvia, art by Artflow

A beautiful musician with a superb singing voice.

Clan Meleken

Motto: My shield is honor.

The Earldom of Osel has two major holdings, the Castle Qualdris and Heru Keep, and receives fealty from the Baron of Nubeth.

Clan Meleken.png

Clan Meleken, art by Columbia Games


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