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House of the Tyrant

Tenets of Faith

The House of the Tyrant has a very rigid and inflexible and can be broken down simply as : Obey, Follow, and Conquer.

  • Obey: "Obey The Orders given from Above".

    The House of the Tyrant has a pyramid like structure and is treated like a military and orders are passed down the pyramid as in a typical military. The orders are to be followed verbatim down to the last clause and subclause. If conditions on the ground prevent an order being carried out normally it is expected that the appropriate steps be taken in order to normalize the situation so that the orders might be carried out as written. The means of normalization dont matter so long as it is, even if the only way to do so results in genocide then so be it.

    At the zenith of the pyramid stands the Grand Warpriest. The Grand Warpriest is always a single person who also acts as the religious leader as well as the war leader. His or Her words are treated as the words of Zunite and the disobedience of are a death sentence. The Grand Warpriest is referred to by as such with the exception being if the Warpriest is female. In such a case the Grand Warpriest is refered to as the Bride of Zunite.

    The next rung down is comprised of the Senior Generals or High Warpriests the next Grand Warpriest is selected. They act as advisors to the Grand Warpriest, but they cannot speak over the Grand Warpriest lest they be killed. 

    The next step down is the rest of the Priests or Generals which each act as the highest authorities over their congregations or battalions.

    The next rung down consists of the Officer Corps. which assist the Priests to run their battalions and dealing with the issues had by the Followers or Soldiers.

    The lowest level of the pyramid is comprised of the basic everyday Followers or Soldiers. This group is the most numerous and the most common.

  • Follow: "It is a soldier's job to follow all orders they are given".

     Just like in a military the followers of the House of the Tyrant are emphasized to put the group ahead of the self and this is codified in the act of viewing oneself as nothing more than a cog in the machine and do as you are told. No one is exempt from this not even the Great Warpriest. Zunite passes orders to his Grand Warpriest who passes them to the High Priests and so on. This goes so far as coupling as well. 

     Followers of the House of Tyrant prescribe to a eugenic like system which decides their path from birth to death. Families are forbidden from interbreeding due to the fact that it would make decedents of that family weak and thus useless to the whole.  The birth of a child within the House of the Tyrant they would be examined by the High Warpriests and"Grand Warpriest, they will then decide whether or not the child is elegable for advancement in the faith. This examination is preformed again every ten years to determine advancement.

     The first examination after birth is to determine if the child is suitable for the actual military. If they are , their training begins immediately. If not, they are turned over to an officer to which they would become their servant or in the case of female children begin to be taught the skills they require to become wives and mothers. The third examination for these "unsuitable" followers are mainly to determine if the female members of this group have developed enough to become viable mothers.

  • Conquer: "The army's goal is conquer it's enemies".

    The followers of the House of the Tyrant are encouraged to "collect spoils from battle". These "spoils" can vary from wealth to slaves, all things are considered eligible for acquisition after a follower of the House wins a conflict. This is often referred to by followers as " The Right of the Conqueror".

     It is viewed as sacrilegious to be forced to return anything or anyone acquired by this means. Slaves acquired by this method are viewed by the House as expendable and transferable. It is a common occurrence that slave are used much like currency within the House itself. Female slaves are viewed as more valuable then male slaves. 

     In the House of the Tyrant, servants are responsible for the managing of the slaves and other spoils. In this way servants can become quite wealthy, but they are still subservient to their master. 

"By His Guidance we will Conquer"

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Church of Battle, The Way of the Battlefield, The Cult of the Conqueror, Zunitism
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


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