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Aethereal Plane

The Aethereal Plane is the plane of existance that exists purely as a result of Aether and the location where Aethereal Winds are located. This plane of existance overlays all other planes of existance and allows for travel between the planes. Very little exists in the Aethereal Plane beyond pure Aether in mist form. It is more used as a resource by spell casters and some creatures as a means of moving quickly.


In terms of appearance, the Aertheral plane looks exactly like every other plane from where you entered in at. The only major difference is that everything is visable as if light perminates the entire plane, and everything takes on a blueish tint (as a result of seeing the world through concentrated Aether).

  While in the Aethereal Plane, you are able to move through objects and surfaces as if they dont exist, so long as you concentrate on where the "floor" is. What ever you consider the "floor" in that world becomes the new direction of gravity and you move in accordance to that gravity. It is possible to float and fly through the plane by focusing on "a lack of floor" or perhaps "moving through water" in this plane.
Alternative Name(s)
The Azure World
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species


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