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Gnomes are a race of people who originated from The Material Plane. Gnomes are an odd race of short people with an extreme talent for the arcane and Arcanotech. They are both natural and unnatural in the way they come about into the world. They also have a strong belief that they have direct ties to 1- The Magician.

Basic Information


Gnomes of Moirai are unnatural in the way they look. They are almost doll or toylike in their design, with perfectly round heads, large round eyes, and 4 fingered hands. They have a tendancy to hide their faces behind masks or hoods as people other than other gnomes tend to react poorly to seeing a gnomes face. Their eyes also glow slightly, which makes them seem slightly menaning from behind.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes are typically born one of two ways. The first is the natural way, where they are are born as children and grow up naturally. The second way is known as being "Aether-Born". When a large enough Aether is in an area, typically as a result of Aethereal Winds, if a summoning spell is cast in that area, sometimes, rather than summoning the intended target, they summon a fully fledged, adult Gnome. Aether-Born gnomes are born with all the knoweldge and condiganze as if they had grown up naturally, but none of the memories of doing so.
500 years average
Average Height
3-4 feet tall average
Average Weight
Around 40 pounds
Geographic Distribution
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