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Elves are fey humanoids who primarly exist on both The Material Plane and the Plane of Emotions. The Elves are one of the oldest people in Moirai, having existed in the Plane of Emotions long before moving into The Material Plane. While there are various different types of elves, they all share common features amoungst themeslves. 

Basic Information


Elves, regardless of the type, are highly influenced by their enviroment and are known to "evolve" rapidly to that enviroment. When an elf spends too much time away from its native Plane of Emotions (typically around 50-100 years), they will take on the traits and characteristics of elves of that plane. For example, an elf that spends too much time on The Material Plane wil eventually become a half-elf. Elves avoid this by spending at least a week on their native plane before returning to wherever they want to go every 50 years or so. However, if an elf stays more than 65 years away from their native plane, they become a one of the Faded Elves 

  While the eye color of each of the elves can be vastly different from each other, an odd trait that they all share is all elves have the possbility of having red colored irises. It is said that red eyed elves are special in some way or another.

Biological Traits

Elven children grow up at the same rate as Humans, becoming an adult at around 18 years of age. Additionally, elves do not "sleep" in the traditional sense. They enter a short medatiave state where they are able to relive emotions through dreams while remaining aware of their surroundings. This state is known as trancing and is effectively lucid dreaming or day dreaming.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves generally tends to look androgynous and beautiful, regardless of the tpye of elf.
750 years average
Average Height
6' average
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Elves


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