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Family of the Bound

The Family of the Bound is a religion based on the struture of the family and the importance of family ties. It is a religion that worships 3- The Empress and 4- The Emperor as a pair example of the prestine family foundtation, though gender is not taken into consideration for such matter rather than their roles. It is a religion that is of great importance to the Earthen Folk of Moriai.       Domains: Order, Protection


The heads of the church are the patriarch and the matriarch, who are seen as the mother and father of the church. Each head is assigned to inerupt the will of 3- The Empress and 4- The Emperor. The duties of the church are assigned to different "children" whos importance is based on seniority.


The Family of the Bound beleive that in order for the world to acheive true peace, there needs to be balance of authority and nurturing. Too much of one or the other leads to chaos and disconnection. As such, they tend to look for that balance or one aspect or another in those who they interact with. More vocal members of the religion may even tell those they interact with who their opinion of their balance of aspects.

Divine Origins

The mythology of the religion seems to be based on the concept of parental relationships and how important they are to the both the creation of beings and their fundimental understanding of the world. As 3- The Empress and 4- The Emperor represent the two major aspects that are opposed but nessarry for a balanced life, the religion focuses on them as a pair, where opposites attract. Gender is tied into the aspects of these to of The Fates, but that concept is not strongly held execpt by the most extreme sects of the religion.

Cosmological Views

The Family of the Bound do not concern themselves with the creation of the world more than they are concerned about the balance required by civilization of authority and nurturing. They beleive that society needs a balance of these two aspects in order to maintain order, and an imbalance of these two things is what causes wars and conflicts. For example, they are of a strong belief that the Wyverian Empire is in the throws of having far too much influence of the 4- The Emperor, causing their negative infleunce to shine through.

Tenets of Faith

  • Family is the foundation of society. Real or found, respect for family is key
  • A broken family is a tradgedy that must be avoided.
  • Society is a family that needs a firm and caring hand to guide it. 
  • Each person as a role to play. 


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